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1. Farm ministers from the G20 group of leading and emerging economies wrapped up their first-ever meeting this week with a call for better regulation of the global commodity markets.

wrap up圆满完成; 顺利结束(协议或会议等)
例句:They wrapped up an agreement on Friday.

2. French leaders in particular have blamed financial speculators for contributing to this year's rise in food prices and the unrest they have triggered in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere.

blame for因…怪罪, 责怪(某人)
例句:He blamed his brother for breaking the window.
contribute to促成
Smoking is a major factor that contributes to cancer.

3. He says he always looked to the commodity markets for stability.

look to依靠, 指望
例句:She has always looked to her parents for advice.

4. Avoiding these wild price swings is one reason why farmers and food makers are in the commodity markets to begin with.

to begin with首先; 起初
例句:You are wrong about the facts to begin with.

5. That lowers the risk that weather or other factors beyond their control will push prices up or down come harvest time, says economist John Anderson with the American Farm Bureau Federation.

beyond control无法控制
例句:This is a catastrophe beyond human control.
push up推上去; 增高, 提高
A shortage of building land will push property values up.

6. And so, the people who are involved in these markets face tremendous risk.

be involved in卷入,陷入, 参与
例句:The vast masses there have become involved in the health campaign.

7. Transferred to someone who is willing to gamble on what the price of a commodity will be in the future.

gamble on在…上冒风险, 碰运气
例句:You can't gamble on the weather in England.

8. On the other hand, if you have a house and five buyers show up, you're going to sell it at another price.

show up到场, 出席,如约赶到,出现,露面
例句:He promised to come on Tuesday but he never showed up.
他答应星期二来, 可是一直未露面。

9. Masters adds that speculators used to make up about a third of the money in commodity markets.

make up组成, 构成
例句:The audience was made up of very young children.

10. The French have been pushing for stricter regulations on commodity speculation in their role as head of the G20. But the negotiations faced stiff opposition -- for the simple reason that many are not convinced that speculators are to blame.

push for急切、强烈地要求, 为…奋力争取
例句:People living near the airport are pushing for new rules about night flight.
be to blame对某事应负责任的; 应受责备的
例句:She was in no way to blame.

11. Irwin adds that new regulations may even push out the speculators the markets need to function smoothly.

push out开除, 除掉某人
例句:The schoolmaster pushed out the teacher.

12. In the meantime, the agreement the G20 agriculture ministers reached calls for "appropriate regulation and supervision" of commodity markets.

in the meantime在…期间,同时
例句:In the meantime the sky is turning clear.

13. And it leaves the issue to the G20 finance ministers to work out what regulations are appropriate.

work out作出; 制订出
例句:The plan has already been worked out, and could be put into operation at a moment's notice.