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1. President Barack Obama's plan to withdraw thousands of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, beginning next month, is widely seen as a compromise - more than what top military officers advised, yet fewer than many lawmakers in Congress want.

withdraw from (使)离开〔退出〕
例句:Our force has been withdrawn from the danger area.
be seen as 被视为,被认为
例句:Education is seen as a handy distraction.

2. "We also have to make sure a solid country when we leave, which it doesn't appear to be yet," said Jon Fersch.

have to 不得不,只好
例句:Soldiers have to obey orders.
make sure确保,确定
例句:Make sure to turn off the light before you leave.

3. He said he was going to get them out.

get out开始被人知道; 泄漏出
例句:To his surprise the news soon got out.
使他惊奇的是, 消息很快就泄露出去了。

4. We shouldn’t be in the business of building an empire or nation building.

in the business of职责是…;从事…
例句:Mr. Jones is in the business of selling cars.

5. Except, that is not the case with the Afghanistan pullout.

be the case with…的情况是
例句:As is often the case with him, he was fined for speeding.

6. "Many of us would like to see this go faster than the path that was laid out, however, it may," said Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

would like to愿意,意欲
例句:I would like to renew this book.
lay out 布置,安排,设计;摆出,展开
例句:The goods for sale were attractively laid out.
供出售的商品都陈列了出来, 极引人注目。

7. Strong American opinions - about a war that has been going on for nearly 10 years, with at least 1,500 Americans dead and billions of dollars spent.

go on进行
例句:We could hardly have gone on without your help.
要是没有您的帮助, 我们很难取得进展。
at least至少
例句:At least four others were wounded.