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尼日利亚全国性罢工 要求提高最低工资



1. Nigerian labor leaders are calling for a three-day general strike next week to protest failures to pay a new, national minimum wage.

call for要求, 提倡
例句:The letter calls for an investigation of the facts.
general strike全国性罢工
minimum wage最低工资

2. Negotiations on a new minimum wage for Nigerians began more than two years ago with labor unions proposing as much as $340 a month. Lawmakers eventually settled on about $118 a month, or 18,000 Naira.

settle on决定, 选定
例句:He settled on selling everything.

3. Elijah says many parents can no longer afford school fees, but are afraid to ask for more money because employers have an ample pool of job seekers from which to replace them.

no longer不再, 已不, 不复, 再也不
例句:He was long a famous musician, but he plays no longer.
他成为有名的音乐家已很久了, 但他现在不演奏了。
be afraid to害怕
例句:He is afraid to walk at night.
ask for请求…, 要求…
例句:We often asked the veteran workers for advice.

4. People are out there looking for jobs.

look for 寻找
例句:He should early look for job.

5. At the St. Peter Claver Catholic Church, Father Paul Anyansi says much of his congregation is just getting by.

get by设法; 继续存在
例句:She never works but somehow she gets by.
她从不工作, 但总能凑合着过下去。

6. "It's very, very important that we have a minimum wage that can cater for the basic needs of people in this country where there is a lot of inflation," added Anyansi.

cater for 迎合
例句:I expect he will be able to cater for your particular needs.

7. Things like kerosene, basic things are getting out of hand.

get out of hand失去控制
例句:It was a warning that things might get out of hand if the offensive did not stop. 

8. But what we are in need of is committed leaders who will oversee the affairs of people in this country. And that is why we are in this case.

in need of需要
例句:He is in need of help.
in this case既然这样
例句:You don't like your job. In this case why don't you leave?
你不喜欢这份工作, 为什么不辞掉它呢?

9. Sakala says all levels of government have had months to prepare for higher wage bills.

prepare for (使)为…作准备
例句:Right now they are preparing themselves for the Olympic Games.

10. Some governors say they are already spending too much on petrol subsidies to pay a higher minimum wage.

spend on把…花在…
例句:He doesn't spend much time on his homework.

11. Kazeem says the strike is meant to force private sector employers to comply with the law as well.

comply with服从, 遵从
例句:The rule must be complied with.

12. And if they fail to implement, we will not hesitate to go on strike. The idea of private sector employing casual labor with 5,000 Naira is out of the way.

go on strike开始罢工〔课〕
例句:The bus drivers went on strike.
out of the way异常的, 罕见的, 不普通的
例句:I didn't see anything out of the way in his talk.
在他的发言中, 我没听出什么新鲜的东西。