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1. With many mothers working outside the home, more fathers - such as New Yorker editor and cartoonist John Donohue - are cooking for their families.

such as像, 例如
例句:We dislike people such as him.

2. So he asked more than two dozen fathers, writers and chefs who take charge in the kitchen to contribute to his book, "Man With a Pan: Culinary Adventures of Fathers Who Cook for Their Families."

take charge看管,负责,不受控制;主持
例句:He offered to take charge of all arrangements.
contribute to投稿; 为...写稿
例句:She has been contributing to the paper for 5 years.

3. That led to his first book, which actually put him on the map as a writer.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.
put on穿上, 戴上; 把…放在…上
例句:The trees have put on their new coats of green.

4. He has great advice: 'Don’t set the kitchen on fire.'

set on fire使燃烧
例句:Some sparks from a passing train set the haystack on fire.

5. “I grew up in a Hausa Muslim community," says Ali.

grow up 长大, 成熟
例句:Tom wants to be a coach when he grows up.

6. In our community, it’s highly frowned upon for men to be in the kitchen. But my mother allowed me to hang around while she cooked.

frown upon蹙眉而露出不悦之色,表示不赞成
例句:I am sure your father would frown upon such a proposal.
hang around闲逛; 闲待着
例句:Tom is hanging around in the street.

7. I've actually kind of compared cooking to writing.

compare to把…比作, 喻为
例句:Life is compared to a voyage.

8. In writing, you have a blank page for you to start with. In cooking, you have an empty pot to creatively start thinking of what you would like to put in the pot, to mix it together to create some food.

think of有…想法, 有…看法
例句:We are thinking of going to Spain for our holiday this year.

9. “One of the things you discover when you start to cook is that following a recipe wasn’t simply a matter of measuring out cups and tablespoons," says Hitt.

measure out 量出, 配出
例句:The pharmacist carefully measured out a dose of herbal medicine and told me how to brew it.
药剂师仔细地配好一服草药, 并告诉我煎药的方法。

10. All of a sudden I found that there was this little kid in the room who had been watching me doing this from a chair, confined, and suddenly was very interested in participating.

all of a sudden突然地, 突如其来地, 猛然地
例句:He was writing his essay when, all of a sudden, he was seized with giddiness.
他正在写论文, 突然一阵头晕。
be interested in对…感兴趣
例句:He is interested in sports.

11. Cooking is like everything else. You just need to do it all the time to get good at it.

good at擅长…
例句:He is good at languages.

12. Donohue, the book’s editor, expects more fathers will take up cooking as the need grows and as society becomes more accepting of "A Man With a Pan."

take up开始从事
例句:When did he take up football?