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1. Experts predict sea levels could rise up to one meter by the end of this century due to climate change.

rise up耸立, 上升
例句:We are sure that there is somebody in the house because we see smoke rise straight up in the air.
我们确信房子里有人, 因为我们看到有烟冒出来。
due to由于,因为
例句:Due to the extreme cold, we were unable to plant the trees.
由于天气很冷, 所以我们无法去植树。

2. With carbon trading major sources of carbon dioxide pollution are issued in allowance, saying you're allowed to emit so many units of carbon dioxide per year, and no more.

no more没有; 不再; 也不
例句:The ship sank below the waves, and was seen no more.
船沉到浪涛里了, 再也看不见了。

3. Personally, I'm not quite sure how quickly China will roll out this scheme on a large scale to include more sectors or even the whole economy, regions or cities.

roll out滔滔不绝地讲出来; 发出洪亮的声音; 铺开; 碾平
例句:The speech rolled out from his lips.
on a large scale大规模地
例句:This district grew cotton on a large scale

4. But initially we heard this will be set up and focus on a few sectors or regions or cities.

set up建立, 创立, 竖立
例句:Plenty of foreign firms have set up factories here.
focus on集中于,致力于
例句:Many firms are focusing on increasing their markets overseas.

5. Carbon trading has been criticized for allowing big polluters to continue to pollute.

criticize for因…指责(某人)
例句:She was criticized for her lack of leadership.

6. But Deborah Seligsohn says one advantage is putting a system in place that can help implement stricter emission controls in the future.

put in place实施;实现;做到
例句:In many countries various rules, like interest-rate caps, have been put in place to crimp the industry's growth. 
in the future今后, 将来
例句:He does not care in the least what will happen in the future.

7. But without this and without global participation, you're not going to be reducing emissions to a level that avoids catastrophic climate change.

be going to要,会,将要
例句:It seems to be going to rain.