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1. President Obama held a public forum at the University of Maryland Friday, at which he said it would not be acceptable for the government to default on its obligations.

default on拖欠

例句:He defaulted on his payments for support of the child.


2. The United States of America does not run out without paying the tab.

run out用完, 耗尽

例句:Our food soon ran out.


3. If lawmakers do not raise that limit, the U.S. could begin running short of money on August 2.

run short缺乏, 不够

例句:Our money is running short.


4. He said the richest Americans must be asked to give up some of their tax breaks.

give up放弃; 认输

例句:She will give up this journey.


5. Obama and the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, are reported to be working on a deal which could cut the deficit by about $3 trillion. 

work on致力于

例句:He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.

近一年多来, 他一直在写一部新小说。

6. Both sides deny that an agreement has been reached, and Boehner repeated emphatically Friday that a deal is not in sight.

in sight被看到,在望

例句:Peace is now in sight.


7. There was no agreement, publicly, privately, never an agreement, and frankly, not close to an agreement.

close to

例句:It is close to fact.


8. Top Senate Democrat Harry Reid called the bill a waste of time.

a waste of浪费

例句:I think making friends online is a waste of time
