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1. Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak appeared in a courtroom cage Wednesday charged with the murder of anti-government protesters and corruption. 

charge with指控…犯有罪
例句:I charge this man with receiving stolen goods.

2. As the trial got underway, the judge asked Mubarak if he heard the charges against him, which include ordering the killing of protesters during an 18-day uprising earlier this year.

get underway开展,开始,启动
例句:As voting got underway, an explosion killed two Israeli Bedouin Arabs near the Gaza border.

3. Along with his sons, he is also accused of corruption. 

accuse of指责, 控告
例句:He was accused of murder.

4. If found guilty, the defendants face the possibility of the death penalty.

death penalty死刑
例句:The senate vote to abolish the death penalty.

5. The 83-year-old was flown to the capital early Wednesday from Sharm el-Sheikh, where aides say he has been in poor health since stepping down in the face of the protests.

step down辞职,下台
例句:The manager had to step down on account of poor health.
那位经理由于身体不好, 只能辞职不干。
in the face of面对
例句:We should compose ourselves in the face of fear.

6. Those who support the man who ruled Egypt for nearly 30 years spoke out in his defense, with one man blaming the media and foreign countries, including the United States and Israel, for all that has happened.

speak out毫无保留地说出
例句:If you have any objections, just speak out.
如果你有什么反对意见, 就爽快地说出来。
blame for因…怪罪, 责怪(某人)
He blamed his brother for breaking the window.

7. I believe this is a conspiracy on Egypt, a well done conspiracy but, inshaalla, with God's will we are going to defeat this conspiracy in time.

in time及时, 不迟
例句:In future, make sure you get here on time.
今后, 要保证准时来这里。

8.  Across the capital, Egyptians sat grouped around televisions set up in cafes and doorways, watching the historic trial playing out before their eyes. 

set up建立,建造, 创立, 竖立
例句:Plenty of foreign firms have set up factories here.
play out演完, 做完
例句:When they played out, there was a smile on their faces.
当他们演完时, 他们的脸上露出了笑容。

9. The case against Mubarak and his sons is set to resume on August 15. The others are set to appear in court again on Thursday.

set to开始努力干
例句:He set to with a will and soon finished it.
他下定决心做这件事, 很快就完成了。