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1. I wasn't obsessed with the world record before the final; I just wanted to focus on my own game plan.

be obsessed with沉迷于
例句:David was obsessed with a girl he had just met.
focus on集中于
例句:All eyes were focused on him when he came in.

2. I'm so grateful to the whole Chinese team, including my coach and my parents, and I think the world record belongs to all of them

belong to属于
例句:Victory belongs to the most persevering.

3. My own faith helps me to finish the 1500-meter swim according to the requirements of the coach.

according to根据, 按照
例句:You've been in prison three times according to our records.
根据我们的记录, 你曾入狱三次。

4. When I feel tired during training, I'll think about my opponent Park Tae-Hwan.

think about回想起, 记起
例句:She was thinking about her childhood days.

5. I train hard everyday to catch up to his level, because he's not only my opponent but also my idol.

catch up追上, 赶上
例句:There was a ten-mile chase before the thieves were caught up by the police car.
过了10英里路, 警察的车子才赶上盗窃犯。

6. Sun says he has learned a lot from his opponent thus far.

learn from向…学习; 从…获得
例句:She learned everything from me.
thus far迄今;迄今为止;到目前为止;到这点为止
例句:She has had good luck thus far.

7. When the 2012 London Olympics roll around in just under a year's time, it's hard to imagine anyone other than Sun being the favorite in the 1500 freestyle.

roll around (季节等)循环;重新降临
例句:Christmas has rolled around again.

8. What we have to do now is to turn that pressure into motivation.

turn into (使)变成
例句:Her bitter experience has turned her into a stronger person.

9. With the glory and fame gained at the Shanghai Worlds, Sun has found himself being chased by fans and media alike, though he says he will learn how to cope with the pressure.

cope with对付…
例句:I cannot cope with that boy; he is stubborn.
我对付不了那个孩子, 他很固执。

10. After coming under intense exposure during the World Championships, I hope to make progress every day as I said on my micro-blog.

make progress前进,进步
例句:The boy has made great progress this year.