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Dylan Farrow says she feels "outrage" after "years of being ignored, disbelieved and tossed aside".


Woody Allen’s adopted daughter has appeared on CBS This Morning to talk about her sexual assault claim against the director.


In what is her first TV interview, Farrow says she is "hurt" and "angry".


The 32-year-old has repeatedly accused Allen of molesting her when she was seven - claims the director has always denied.


Farrow expressed anger at the suggestion she was simply caught up in the Hollywood #metoo campaign, saying: "Why shouldn’t I want to bring him down? Why shouldn’t I be angry? Why shouldn’t I be hurt?

法罗对她仅仅是在好莱坞的#我也是 运动中被卷入进来的说法感到愤怒,她说:“我为什么不应该把他打倒?为什么我不应该生气,为什么我不应该感到受伤?”

"Why shouldn’t I feel some sort of outrage... after all these years of being ignored, disbelieved and tossed aside?"


"All I can do is speak my truth and hope - hope that somebody will believe me rather than just hearing," she said.


Allen was investigated over a 1992 claim by Farrow that he sexually assaulted her at the family’s Connecticut home.


Prosecutors did not charge the film-maker and he has always denied the allegations, which he claims had been fabricated by his former partner Mia Farrow.


In 2014, Dylan Farrow wrote an open letter alleging she had been molested by Allen - but he responded to the claims calling them "untrue and disgraceful".


More recently, in a series of tweets posted ahead of last week’s Golden Globes award ceremony, Dylan Farrow reiterated her claims that Allen was a "predator".


A number of actors have distanced themselves from Allen as Hollywood’s sexual harassment scandal continues.


They include Timothee Chalamet, who announced this week he will give his salary for appearing in Allen’s next film, A Rainy Day in New York, to charity.


Chalamet claimed: "I don’t want to profit from my work on the film." His co-star, Rebecca Hall, also donated her fee to charity and said she "regretted" her decision to appear in the film.
