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Quentin Tarantino on Monday responded to Uma Thurman’s accusation that he had put her life at risk while making the “Kill Bill” films, calling the decision to make her perform a dangerous stunt one of the biggest regrets of his life and offering his own recollection of what had taken place.


Speaking to Deadline, Mr. Tarantino said that he had encouraged Ms. Thurman to drive a refitted car for one of the movies’ most memorable scenes, despite her trepidation about the plan.


Video from the shoot shows Ms. Thurman struggling to control the car, as it swerves on the road and crashes.


The actress and the director agree that the crash undermined what had been a close relationship between them; they collaborated on the 1994 hit “Pulp Fiction” and the two “Kill Bill” films, which were released separately but created during a single production process.


In an interview with The New York Times published on Saturday, Ms. Thurman said that after the crash, which came near the end of the shoot, they were “in a terrible fight for years,” while Mr. Tarantino told Deadline that “a trust was broken.”


Mr. Tarantino said he and Maureen Dowd, the author of the Times piece, had not connected for an interview, telling Deadline, “Me and Dowd never hooked up.”

昆汀说,他和《纽约时报》的作者Maureen Dowd从没安排过采访,告诉好莱坞新闻前线,“我和Dowd从来没有联系过。”

Ms. Dowd said on Tuesday that she had reached out to Mr. Tarantino six times, twice through his agent, twice through his personal assistant and twice through personal numbers.


The office of the agent, Mike Simpson, confirmed to Ms. Dowd that the director had received the message, she said.

她说,经纪人Mike Simpson向Dowd女士确认,导演已经收到了这条信息。

Ms. Thurman had also encouraged Mr. Tarantino to talk to Ms. Dowd.


The director did not dispute most of Ms. Thurman’s account but characterized his interaction with her differently.


Ms. Thurman had said he was “furious” when he asked her to do the scene; Mr. Tarantino admitted that he had been irritated but said: “I’m sure I wasn’t in a rage and I wasn’t livid.I didn’t go barging into Uma’s trailer, screaming at her to get into the car.”


He said that he had tested the course, a one-lane strip of road in Mexico, before encouraging Ms. Thurman to perform the stunt, but then he decided to change the direction in which she would drive.


The change of direction “was the beginning of where the crash happened,” he said.


In an Instagram post on Monday, Ms. Thurman praised Mr. Tarantino for helping her obtain the footage when he knew it could do him personal harm.


She wrote that while the circumstances of the crash were “negligent to the point of criminality,” she did not believe that his intent was malicious.


But in the midst of the #MeToo movement, Mr. Tarantino’s past actions and remarks have faced the pronounced scrutiny that has unearthed complaints of sexual assault by many in his industry, including his close collaborator Harvey Weinstein.

但在metoo(女演员掀起的反导演性侵运动)中,昆汀过去的行为和言论成了众矢之的,被揭露电影业里同行们曾有过的性侵/性骚扰行为,其中包括他的亲密合作伙伴Harvey Weinstein。

In an interview in October, Mr. Tarantino expressed regret for not having taken a stronger stand against the producer, saying, “I knew enough to do more than I did.”
