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1. At first, the booming Chinese companies' stocks were regarded as excellent prospects for overseas investors.

regard as把…认作
例句:We all regarded him as a hero.

2. But now these companies are facing ongoing accusations by third party institutions such as Muddy Waters, a financial research and consulting company based in the U.S.

such as像, 例如
例句:We dislike people such as him.

3. At the same time, the open letter also caused the Spreadtrum's share prices to plunge by one third.

at the same time同时; 一起; 但是; 然而
例句:At the same time you must have sympathy.

4. On the second day we answered all 15 of their questions right away, and they apologized to us on the third day.

right away立刻, 马上
例句:I will be there right away.

5. The open letters and so called market reports from research companies like Muddy Waters have resulted in the share prices of some Chinese companies to decline, which has also caused turbulence for nearly all the Chinese Concepts stocks.

result in引起, 导致; 以…为结局
例句:The game resulted in another victory for our team.
比赛结果, 我们队又获胜了。

6. But contrary to the rumors, the whole group of Chinese companies shouldn't be blacklisted.

contrary to和…相反, 违反
例句:My sister's taste in dresses is contrary to my own.
在服装方面, 我妹妹的爱好和我完全不同。

7. This goes against the rapid development, and what is really taking place in terms of Chinese economic development.

take place发生; 举行
例句:The threatening strike did not take place after all.
in terms of就…而言, 从…方面说来
例句:He referred to your work in terms of high praise.

8. Experts point out that American stock analysis companies like Muddy Waters together with their partners have already decided to adopt the shorting strategy to devalue the Chinese Concepts Stocks in order to make profit from the whole process.

point out指出
例句:If I make any mistakes, please point them out.
如果我出了错, 请指出来。
together with和…一同, 连同…
例句:He sent her some books, together with a dictionary.
他送了她几本书, 外加一本词典。
in order to为了
例句:He was going for a scholarship in order to go abroad. 

9. Experts point out that there will be more Chinese companies listing overseas in the future.

in the future将来
例句:Can you foresee what will happen in the future?

10. Besides boosting their businesses in a healthy way, they should also be alert to the tricks played in overseas capital markets.

be alert to对…警惕(警觉,留神,注意等)
例句:The cat is alert to every sound and movement.