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1. That’s the highest amount on record since the agency began tracking poverty rates in 1959. 

on record有记载的, 记录在案的, 公开发表的
例句:The police kept his name on record.

2. Gina Zbikowski says struggling to find a job while living on a meager disability allowance is not the American dream.

live on以…为食; 靠…为生
例句:That old man lives on the earnings of his daughter.

3. I can’t even dream about that now

dream about梦想, 向往
例句:He got the first place this time, but he never dreamed about it.
这回他得了第一名, 但他做梦也没想到。

4. The prescription is really expensive, and I pay for it every month.

pay for为…付钱
例句:I have to pay 150 dollars for the sewing machine.

5. When I don’t have money to pay for it, I have to rely on my grandmother.

rely on信赖, 依赖
例句:You can't rely on the weather being fine for anything you plan in England.

6. People who have led successful lives, who were educated, are now finding themselves in poverty because they cannot bring in enough, their unemployment benefits have ended and there are not enough federal, state or local programs, to be quite honest, that are available to help support their needs

bring in 赚(钱), 挣(钱)
例句:The boys are bringing in good wages every week.

7. She says she would rather have a job so she can take care of herself.

take care of照顾
例句:Please take care of the baby for me for a while, will you?

8. “I’m hoping one of these days to get out of this, but things look grim right now," she said.

get out of停止; 改掉; 戒掉; 脱离, 摆脱, 克服; 避免做某事
例句:It is not easy to get out of a bad habit.

9. Zbikowski says unless something is done to reverse the unemployment rate, now just above nine percent, the lines of people looking for help will continue to grow.

look for寻找
例句:She is looking for her lost child.