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1. Russian political experts say the announcement that Vladimir Putin will run for president in next year’s elections while Dmitri Medvedev will become prime minister in a new government took no one by surprise.

run for竞选;让…竞选
例句:Mr. Brown did not want to run for governor of the state last year.

2. “People have been puzzling over what was going to happen, knowing that it would be between the two of them for some time, and a lot of people for sometime have thought Putin intended to come back," said Robert Legvold, a Russia expert at Columbia University.

puzzle over苦苦思考
例句:They puzzled over the question for quite a while.

3. Remember two years ago when they extended the presidential term [from four to six years], the assumption was that had been pushed through so that Putin could come back even earlier than a regular constitutional election.

push through设法完成(某事),促成
例句:We must push the matter through.

4. Many Russia analysts say the job swap between Medvedev and Putin transforms the March presidential elections into a farce.

transform into把…转变成…
例句:The magician transformed the man into a rabbit.

5. “It may be one of the reasons why he’s resuming the presidency because I think he hopes that he can turn his personal popularity into support for the regime, for the government and for the policies that it is pursuing," he said.

turn into(使)变成
例句:The old building was turned into a library.

6. In the end, many experts, including Matthew Rojansky, believe the two men work as a team.

work as任…职, 当…
例句:It must be a hard life, working as a nurse in a backward country.
在落后的国家当一名护士, 生活必定是艰苦的。

7. Analysts say the Putin/Medvedev team faces some daunting tasks ahead such as modernizing the country’s institutions, opening up the political system and fighting corruption.

open up变宽; 展现; 揭示; 打开
例句:The chance meeting with the president opened up new possibilities for him.

8. But many experts question whether the two men will tackle those issues because they really haven’t done so up to now.

up to now到目前为止
例句:Up to now, the work has been quite smooth.