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1. Cain is the only African-American in the Republican field and has gained notice with a smooth speaking style and an ability to connect with voters.

connect with同…相联系; 与…连接; 使有关系
例句:The village is connected by a bus service with the nearest town.

2. "It starts with, unlike your proposals, throwing out the current tax code," he said.

throw out拒绝; 否决; 提出(暗示、建议等)
例句:The suggestion was made at the conference, but they threw it out.
这个建议在会上提出来了, 但他们不予考虑。

3. Cain acknowledged on ABC's Good Morning America program that he has little foreign policy experience, but said if elected he would work to solidify ties with U.S. allies like Israel and take a tougher line toward adversaries like Iran.

take a line采取方针、路线
例句:The government took a hard line on strikes.

4. Analysts say Cain is surging because he is a fresh face in the Republican field, who excites conservative voters committed to lowering taxes and reducing the size of the federal government.

commit to对…作出承诺, 承担义务, 担负责任; 使(自己)致力于…
例句:I must go. I have committed myself to the club tonight and the members are expecting me.
我得走了, 我已经答应今晚去俱乐部, 会员们正等着我呢。

5. There are an awful lot of people who are unhappy with what is going on.

go on发生
例句:What's going on here?

6. That is what we need to pick up out of this poll," noted pollster Peter Hart on MSNBC television.

pick up拾起, 捡起; 抬起
例句:I would have picked it up if I had noticed it.
我如果看见的话, 我早就把它拣起来了。

7. Despite Cain's recent rise in the polls, Mitt Romney has had several strong debate performances and many Republican strategists still see him as the long-term frontrunner in the race for the Republican nomination.

see as把…看做
例句:Knowledge is seen as more than exams.