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In this morning, we're learning more about a deadly attack in Belgium. It happened at a packed Christmas market in the city of Liege yesterday. Police say the attacker lobbed three grenades and gunned down holiday shoppers from a nearby roof. cnn's Nic Robertson is live there. Nic, what's the latest on the number of victims in this case?

Well, 124 people according to prosecutor were taken to hospital for treatment, some of those with serious injuries, and some of them also with psychological trauma, five people including the attacker died in the attack. And the police also say they found the body of the attacker's cleaner at his house in a shed that is used for growing cannabis, large quantities of cannabis that used to sell. That body found overnight. But if you look down over my shoulder here, you can see the bus shelters with the windows blown out, which was a scene of the attack yesterday. Crowds gathered around, a lot of journalists, a lot of camera crews, but in the middle there, there are flowers being laid in tribute.

And I talked to one lady here who was a witness to the attack yesterday. She was still shaking. She had (a) young children with her. She said she was absolutely horrified, shocked of what she has seen. She said for her, in this quiet city here, known for its tranquility, that this felt for her like their 9/11 in Liege that it was horrible, it was shocking, it was sudden and there is still no explanation. People here deeply traumatized, Christine.

And what prosecutor's saying about the attacker?

He has a criminal record. He's spent 40 months in jail on charges of cultivating and selling cannabis, of racketeering with weapons. It's also been told to report to the police station here, just hours indeed, after he perpetrated his attack on questions of sexual harassment and possible rape. But the prosecutor say and the police haven't discovered yet, any kind of suicide note from him. They are saying that he did commit suicide the end of attack by shooting himself. But they said they have no indication what turned this hardened criminal who spent time in jail to a ruthless, cold-blooded psychopathic killer. That's... no one has that answer here right now, Chris.