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1. With the Spring Festival approaching, the Chinese government has pledged to crack down on the malicious nonpayment of wages to protect workers' rights and maintain social stability.

crack down采取严厉措施, 制裁
例句:The police are really beginning to crack down on drivers who park their cars just where they like.

2. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security says it has introduced a measure to release a detailed judicial interpretation of criminal acts related to the intentional nonpayment of wages and implement procedures to deal with them.

relate to涉及, 关系到…
例句:He showed me all the correspondence relating to the matter.
deal with应付, 处理; 对待
例句:There are many difficulties to be dealt with when starting a new business.
开展一项新业务时, 有许多困难需要解决。

3. For example, it is unclear how labor departments and police authorities should cooperate with each other in handling such cases.

cooperate with与(某人)协作, 合作
例句:The children cooperated with their teachers in keeping the classroom neat.

4. Ding Baoyong says migrant workers often resort to arbitration instead of going to court because of vague definitions of wage default-related crimes.

resort to诉诸于,采取
例句:One has sometimes to resort to these little devices.

5. Huang Mingui, a migrant worker from Anhui, has worked on construction sites in Beijing for 10 years.

work on致力于…
例句:He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.
近一年多来, 他一直在写一部新小说。