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考不考研? 这是一个问题



1. Ma Ding is a graduate student majoring in engineering at Beijing Union University.

major in主修
例句:She majors in English.

2. He has decided to sit for this year's postgraduate entrance exam, as he wants to pursue graduate studies in the history of Chinese and foreign clothing at the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology.

sit for参加(考试等)
例句:A number of students came up last week to sit for the university entrance exam.

3. My friends told me that it would be easier for me to be enrolled in this major, as not that many people choose this major.

enroll in (使)加入
例句:He has enrolled himself in advanced English.

4. Ma has prepared for the exam for more than three months.

prepare for (使)为…作准备
例句:Right now they are preparing themselves for the Olympic Games.

5. During this time, he says he has come to fall in love with his proposed area of study.

fall in love with爱上
例句:He has fallen in love with Mary.

6. Like Ma Ding, more college graduates in China nowadays are pursuing further study rather than looking for employment.

look for寻找
例句:He began to look for a new job immediately after he was fired.

7. But Chu says he does not believe graduate schools are ready in terms of qualified teachers and adequate resources for the rocketing number of students.

in terms of就…而言, 从…方面说来
例句:He referred to your work in terms of high praise.

8. Graduate school enrollment has increased by 130,000 places from three years ago, and fewer students nowadays are taking the postgraduate exam so they can devote themselves to academic research.

devote to致力于…
例句:He has always devoted himself to his music.

9. Experts say the severe employment situation also has something to do with the nation's economic development, and the increasingly higher salary expectations of postgraduates.

do with与…有关
例句:I'm interested in anything to do with music.