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1. 2011 in terms of employment was not a very good year. We still have not recovered from the big economic and financial crisis in terms of job creation. While at the same time all the new crises we’ve seen in 2011 further put pressure on labor markets

in terms of就…而言, 从…方面说来
例句:He thought of everything in terms of money.
recover from恢复, 痊愈
例句:That country hasn't yet recovered from the effects of the war.
战争结束以来, 那个国家尚未恢复元气。
put pressure on强迫,促使; 给……施压,增添压力
例句:The bank put pressure on the company to reduce its borrowings.

2. This has to do with the lack of their experience.

have to do with与…有关
例句:This has nothing to do with you.

3. Also, the jobs that are available are often not in line with the training or education young people have received.

in line with跟…一致, 符合,按照
例句:The new proposal is in line with our general line.

4. But Schmidt says despite that, the economic growth has not translated into more decent jobs.

translate into把…转化成
例句:We must make efforts to translate our ideal into reality.

5. But also neighboring countries suffered a lot from it and the recovery is just very, very, very slow.

suffer from受苦;患病
例句:He suffered from poverty all his life.

6. The ILO described North Africa as one of the worst places in the world for young women to find jobs.

describe as描述为
例句:I should describe the attempt as a failure.

7. Schmidt blames this on cultural issues and a false belief about women workers.

blame on把责任推给…
例句:They blamed the failure on John.

8. If women would work they would take away jobs from men.

take away剥夺; 夺取; 抢夺
例句:Don't let him take away your freedom to think for yourself.

9. And given that young men don’t find jobs they try to stop women from entering the labor market.

stop from阻止某事发生
例句:Eyebrows stop sweat from coming down into the eyes.

10. They are contributing to GDP growth

contribute to促成
例句:Your suggestion has greatly contributed to the accomplishment of our work.