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Xi Jinping made the remarks at a state dinner in Des Moines, capital of the state of Iowa.

"I'm here to build the China-US cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit. And I want to engage with a broad cross-section of American society to help deepen the friendship between Chinese and American people."

This is not Xi Jinping's first visit to Iowa.

He led an agricultural fact-finding mission to the state nearly three-decades ago as a provincial governor.
Eleanor Dvorchak, who provided a homestay for Xi Jinping on that visit, says she is touched that Xi Jinping is making the effort to return.

Chinese VP Hopes to Deepen Friendship between Chinese and American People

"I'm really touched by the whole event, that he would take the time out, as important as he is. I mean it's more than just the hour he spent here, it's the getting here and the leaving, all that. I'm just so impressed with him willing to give us the time. He is such a people person."

He is set to launch the first China-US Agriculture Symposium on food safety and later visit a local farm for high-tech farming.

According to Iowa's Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds, the state's exports to China have increased by 13-hundred percent over the past decade.

Before the state dinner, Xi Jinping reunited with dozens of old acquaintances back from his last visit to the small Iowa town of Muscatine.

Sarah Lande cordinated Xi Jinping's visit in 1985. She is happy to meet her old friend in her home again.


Xi Jinping first visited the town in 1985 as part of a Chinese agricultural delegation.

He spent two nights in the home of Eleanor Dvorchak.

"I remember I stayed in your son's bedroom. Your lovely daughter asked me a lot of questions. For example, have you seen American movies? You prepared a big breakfast for me. When I left, you made pop corns for me. When my two colleagues left, you also give each other a big hug like they are a big family."

And already, Xi Jingping is expecting the next reunion with his old friends.

"I welcome you all to come to China later this year, to come and see Beijing, and your sister state Hebei province. I look forward to reuniting with you in China."

The State of Iowa is Xi Jinping's second leg of his five-day official visit to the United States.

Xi Jinping will also visit Los Angeles.

FOR CRI, I am Wang Lei.