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1. Judging by the steady flow of voters, many in fur coats and hats, it appears that, after a winter of controversy over the parliamentary elections, turnout for the presidential contest is strong.

judge by根据〔由〕…作出判断
例句:A man should be judged by his deeds, not his words.
判断一个人应根据他的行为, 而不是他的言词。

2. Vitaly Chobanu, an Internet user and first time voter, said he was voting for the new face in the five-candidate presidential race - Mikhail Prokhorov.

vote for投票赞成
例句:Twelve men voted for the motion and three against it.
12人投票赞成这个动议, 3人反对。

3. Support for Prokhorov also came from Olga Mikhailova.

come from来自某处; 出生于
例句:She came from a long line of singers.

4. Dressed in a fur coat, she runs a small business that sells fur coats.

dress in穿着…衣服
例句:We must be dressed in uniform at school.

5. But two middle aged men coming quickly out of the polling station said they voted for Putin, who served two terms as president before becoming prime minister.

come out结果是…; 得出答案
例句:Let me know how the voting comes out.
serve as充当, 担任
例句:The general had served as a soldier in the earlier war.
在早期的战争中, 这位将军曾当过士兵。

6. She says she lived through the stagnation years of the 1970s under long ruling Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev.

live through经历过; 经历…而未死
例句:She has lived through several terrible accidents.

7. After that, he would be eligible to run for a second six-year term, a move that would put him at the top of Russian politics for a quarter-century.

run for竞选;让…竞选
例句:Mr. Brown did not want to run for governor of the state last year.