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1. Or, like the George Washington Bridge, roads and bridges and tunnels are named for famous historical figures or fallen military or law-enforcement officers.

name for以…的名字起名
例句:The college is named for George Washington.

2. Corporations paid a whole lot of money for what’s called the “naming rights” to U.S. Cellular Field in Chicago, for instance, and Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia.

pay for为…付钱
例句:How much did you pay for the book?
for instance例如, 比如
例句:You cannot rely on her; for instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.
她这人靠不住, 例如昨天一个重要会议, 她迟到了一个小时。

3. He says not just companies, but also wealthy individuals, would help the cash-strapped Virginia transportation budget by paying to have their names - or perhaps those of loved ones - placed on roads and bridges, and thus on maps as well.

place on把…放在…上; 把…强加于…
例句:He placed the book on the shelf.

4. The reaction has been mixed. Supporters say Americans are used to having things sponsored and wouldn’t mind a bit traveling on the Coke Zero Expressway across the Nationwide Insurance Bridge out into the Virginia countryside.

be used to习惯于
例句:She is used to hard work.