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1. Parents say the reason they enroll their children in the classes is because they want to better prepare them for elementary school.

prepare for (使)为…作准备
例句:Right now they are preparing themselves for the Olympic Games.

2. So it's really very hard for children nowadays to get familiar with pinyin in only one month.

familiar with熟悉的
例句:I am not very familiar with European history.

3. According to the current teaching scheme of elementary schools, they only provide a month's worth of classes for students to learn pinyin.

provide for为…提供; 为…作准备
例句:He worked hard to provide for his old age.

4. Apart from this, there is another reason that parents are sending their preschool-age children to training schools.

apart from除去,撇开…来说(表示除…以外尚有),此外,加之
例句:Apart from some spelling mistakes, the composition is fairly good.
除了一些拼写错误, 这篇文章写得很不错。

5. For children who want to be enrolled in better primary schools, the only way is to go through certain interviews and take an entrance exam.

go through经历
例句:The country has gone through too many wars.

6. Therefore, children without a broad range of knowledge will not make it into their expected primary school.

make into把…转变为, 使成为
例句:A hundred acres of land was made into a peach and pear orchard.

7. Experts suggest that parents pay more attention to cultivating children's interest in learning and their study habits rather than only focusing on their possible loss at the starting line.

pay attention to注意,关心
例句:No attention was paid to his advice.
focus on对(某事或做某事)予以注意
例句:Many firms are focusing on increasing their markets overseas.