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资源共享 一借书卡可借所有图书馆

1. Books borrowed from one library can be returned to another, and administrators are addressing the technical issues so that readers will be able to borrow books of the National Library from municipal public libraries or vice versa.

borrow from从…借入; 借用
例句:She used to borrow money from her friends.
vice versa反过来也一样,反之亦然
例句:We gossip about them and vice versa.

2. The service will gradually be expanded to other alliance members such as university libraries and libraries belonging to research institutions, hospitals and schools.

belong to属于
例句:Victory belongs to the most persevering.

3. Deng Juying, Assistant Curator of the Capital Library, says there are abundant library resources in Beijing, but they could not be easily shared due to different administrative systems.

due to由于,因为
例句:Her absence is due to illness.

4. The library alliance offers a platform to effectively integrate the library resources in Beijing and take full advantage of different library resources with different systems.

take advantage of利用
例句:He took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk.

5. Readers can only apply for a temporary reading card to search for materials inside the library and make photocopies.

apply for申请
例句:He applied for a passport.
search for搜索, 搜寻
例句:They searched all the drawers for the missing paper.