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委内瑞拉大选将至 查韦斯健康不确定

1. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is battling what is believed to be an aggressive cancer, but he has vowed to continue running for a third term in office. 

run for竞选;让…竞选
例句:Mr. Brown did not want to run for governor of the state last year.

2. "If we have learned anything from Chavez over 13 years, it is that we shouldn’t rule him out," said Shifter.

rule out宣布…不可能; 排除…的可能性
例句:A sudden storm ruled out the boat race.

3. Chavez is accused of mismanaging Venezuela's oil wealth and devastating the rest of the economy with his firebrand left-wing politics.

accuse of指责, 控告
例句:He was accused of murder.

4. Many Venezuelans, poor Venezuelans especially, think, believe, that he cares about them.

care about担心, 关心
例句:The young people should care about the old.

5. But many believe the outcome of the election will hinge on the president's health.

hinge on取决于…, 以…为转移
例句:Everything hinges on his decision.

6. Some question why he has refused to step aside while undergoing cancer treatment.

step aside从权威地位退下
例句:I'm not ready to step aside yet.

7. Political psychologist and psychiatrist Jerrold Post says Chavez is the quintessential narcissist who can’t come to terms with his mortality.

come to terms with忍受, 对待
例句:It has taken him a long time to come to terms with his disability.

8. Dr. Post says Venezuela is entering a dangerous period.  He believes Chavez has imposed his timetable on the nation and wants to secure his legacy in both Venezuelan and Latin American history.

impose on把…加于
例句:Heavy duties are imposed on imports.

9. “Were his opponent to be moving ahead in the polls, I think it is quite possible he could take violent action against his opponent," he said.

take action采取行动, 行动起来
例句:The police had to take firm action to deal with the riots.