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1. But Mrs. Yu, mother of a 10-year-old boy in Beijing, says she has never heard of it.

hear of得悉, 听说
例句:We don't know the singer, but we have heard of her.
我们不认识那位歌唱家, 但我们听说过她。

2. I really didn't know today was the day. I think children are safe at school. I'm more worried about the journey between home and school.

worry about担忧, 烦恼
例句:He worried about how to make his living.

3. Because of the time and location of the parents' work, some of them drop off their children at school before 7 a.m.

drop off送下车; 送到
例句:I can drop you off on my way home.

4. He attacked them at 7:20 a.m. as they were lining up outside the school gate at Nanping Experimental Elementary School, waiting to enter.

line up排队等候
例句:I hate lining up in the cold to go to the cinema.

5. A wrong idea about safety education in schools is that people put a lot of focus on reacting to incidents after they occur, but not enough on preventing them from happening.

react to对…作出反应〔评价, 应答〕
例句:The eye reacts to the light.
prevent from阻止, 防止
例句:His prompt action prevented the fire from spreading.

6. Children should be equipped not only with knowledge, but also skills to keep themselves safe.

equip with装备, 配备
例句:They equipped themselves with a pair of sharp axes and set off for the forest.