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美白产品汞超标 化妆品陷质量门


Over the past three months, Beijing-based environmental protection organization Green Beagle and global toxicity-awareness network IPEN tested a total of 477 whitening products and freckle removal cream sold in the domestic market. They've found that 23 percent of those skin whitening cosmetics in 10 Chinese cities contained this extremely dangerous chemical, and the volume is much higher than acceptable limits.

Doctor Hao Fengtong from Beijing Chaoyang Hospital says that the number of patients suffering from mercury poisoning has been surging sharply in recent years.

Skin-Whitening Cosmetics Contains Mercury

"Cosmetic usage is a major cause of mercury poisoning in people's lives. Roughly more than 80 percent of our patients who suffer from mercury poisoning are mainly due to cosmetics."

The doctor says mercury poisoning can cause serious nerve problems and do damage to kidneys, which can also lead to death. But once hurt by these products, how can consumers protect their rights? Judge Hao Wenting from Beijing Daxing District People's Court says there are several ways:

"Consumers can negotiate with the manufacturer in private. Also, consumers can complain to the Chinese Consumer Association, relevant administrative departments of the government, or sue the cosmetics manufacturer at court. When the consumer is ready to submit a case to the court, they need to hand in the product's receipt, diagnosis and relevant treatment receipts."

But for many consumers, it is not easy to provide convincing proof. Lawyer Chen Jian from the China Consumer Association reminds consumers to pay attention to this detail.

"We've noticed that only 40 percent of consumers who complain to us can provide shopping receipts."

Legal professionals say that toxic cosmetics may cause huge damage to consumers' health, so it is unhelpful to punish the manufacturer only based on the current consumer law which lacks relevant punishment. Vice President of the Beijing Resident Business Law Research Association, Li Renyu, suggests the government improve the law to protect the rights of consumers.

"There is no specific stipulation concerning how to punish violators on cases related to cosmetics based on the current law. The only punishment clauses are from Food Security Law. For example, if the food is unsafe, then the punishment would be ten times the food's price."

Many young ladies these days tend to purchase cheaper cosmetics online. Lawyers remind consumers to be cautious doing so since some online cosmetics can be counterfeit, containing high volumes of toxic elements.

For CRI, I'm Liu Min.