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We know that North Korea is always defiant on this matter, but what's different here is that all along, North Korea has claimed that these rocket launches and these nuclear tests have been peaceful. No one has believed them. But that's been their claim. Now, today, a remarkable turn. They are saying, from now on, their rocket launches and their nuclear tests will be aimed at the United Sates. That is what is very alarming. I'll read you a brief translation of what they are saying.

We will not hide that in this full-front confrontation of a new level of fight against the US, which has been for a century, our constant launches of various satellites and long-distance rockets are now aimed for our sworn enemy, the United States of America.

Now it's worth stressing that all experts agree that there is no way that their rockets will be able to reach the west coast of the United States, which is the closest landfall of the US. But nonetheless, this is very, very alarming rhetoric and it will be worrying at the United States, it will be worrying at the UN.

There will probably be some quite interesting meetings going on in the building behind me later today. This is the North Korean embassy in Beijing. It's the only... Beijing is the only real ally that North Korea has. And Beijing, interestingly, has been showing some encouraging movements over the past weeks or so. They've signed up to the UN resolution, which has prompted this latest response from North Korea. And Xi Jian Ping, the new incoming Chinese leader, met an envoy from South Korea just yesterday and said that he wanted to restart the six-party talks, which are aimed at stopping the nuclearization of the Peninsula. And tomorrow Xi Jian Ping will meet the US envoy, who is heavily involved in the North Korea issue.

So China is the key, but the alarming thing is this change of starts by North Korea. All along, they've claimed that these nuclear tests and the rocket launches are peaceful, now suddenly, they are saying right from now on, we are aiming at the United States.