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Details of Alipay's national shopping bill shed light on China's consumption landscape.

Alipay's top spenders in 2013 are from affluent economic powerhouses including the provinces of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and the cities of Beijing and Shanghai.

The report also says that remote areas in central and western China are showing stronger momentum in e-commerce.

According to the report, Chinese people not only love spending, but also exhibit an interest in managing their wealth for more gains.

Alibaba's personal-finance management website, Yu'E Bao, which means "left-over treasure," has attracted more than 40 million users and led to nation-wide enthusiasm for wealth management.

Zhan Yongsheng is the project manager of the "2013 National Shopping Bill".

"Most Yu'E Bao users are around the age 23; many of them just graduated from college and don't have much wealth to manage. Yu'E Bao helps them save money and live a better life. This kind of service didn't exist in the past."

In the traditional sense, the service is only reserved for the wealthy few in big banks.

Chen Fengying is the director with the Institute of World Economy at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations.

"I think on-line accounting has become a rival to traditional banks in competing for deposits. Currently, it doesn't take up a large portion in retail business, but it is growing at a very fast rate. I believe the phenomenon is more obvious in China, as China's middle class is growing. "

Yu'E Bao is most popular in Jiangsu, Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, which are known in China as the hubs of entrepreneurship.

Moreover, the report shows that collectively, the Chinese made more than 500 million transactions in the past year through Alipay Wallet, the company's mobile app, for purposes ranging from money transfers to topping up mobile phones.

This is an increase of over 500 percent compared to the same period in 2012.

Apart from the report, Alipay users also received their personalized annual shopping bills via Alipay Wallet.

Those with computer access can check their bills on January 16th.

For CRI, I'm Yu Yang.