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Ireland was the first country in the world to ban smoking in workplaces and therefore most public spaces. The health minister there is continuing what he calls a war against the tobacco industry. He's pushing through laws to replace cigarette cartons with plain packaging and gruesome images of the damage smoking can cause, following Australia's example two years ago. Now while opinion polls show public support, Ireland's business lobby has reacted angrily to these plans, saying they threaten the country's reputation. The BBC's Diarmaid Fleming has been finding out why.
爱尔兰是世界上第一个禁止在工作场所,即大部分公共场所吸烟的国家。爱尔兰卫生部部长正进行着他称之为“对烟草行业的一场战争”。他追随澳大利亚两年前的先例,要立法将香烟盒换成普通包装,上面还要带有吸烟不良后果的骇人图片。虽然目前公众投票对此表示支持,但爱尔兰商业游说(团体)对这些计划强烈不满,他们认为这些计划威胁到了爱尔兰的国家声誉。请听BBC记者Diarmaid Fleming对其原因带来的报道。


Here in Ireland you won't see any advertisement for cigarettes anywhere and even in the shop I'm standing in the only branding you can see is on the packets in which they're sold. It's that packaging which is the centre of a battle between the country's minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr James Reilly and a wide business alliance rallying around the tobacco industry. Dr Reilly accuses the industry of deliberately targeting young people to get them hooked early on cigarettes, an accusation it denies.
在爱尔兰,你不会在任何地方见到任何的香烟广告。即使是在我现在所在的这个商店里,你唯一能见到的品牌(推广行为)就只有在售卖香烟所用的盒子上面。而这个包装盒,就站在这场儿童与青年事务部部长——James Reilly博士同烟草及周边行业广大商业联盟之间战争的中心点。Reilly博士控诉烟草行业故意以年轻人为目标,使他们早早就成为烟民,虽然烟草行业并不这么认为。

"It's clear from the packaging and it's clear from surveys done that show 78% of smokers started under the age of 18, that they target our children. We have a duty of care to our children above all others. That's why we need this legislation to protect them from ever becoming addicted. And one of the key points I make is that what choice can you exercise after the age of 18 if you've already been addicted to the cigarettes before you were old enough to make an informed choice?