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Chinese regulators are planning to widen the ongoing anti-trust probes into after-sales auto services.

The National Development and Reform Commission is also vowing to continue its crackdown on price-fixing among car dealers, particularly in the after-sales services sector.

Xu Xinyu is an anti-monopoly official with the NDRC.

"The car makers have strict control over the supply of the auto parts, especially those at the auto 4S stores. In China, most people choose to buy and repair their cars at such stores, for the original auto parts can't be found easily in other repair shops as they are in the EU countries and the United States. The price, output and even the marketing regions of the original auto parts are all under rigid control of those car makers."


Price-fixing in the world's largest auto market has been under scrutiny since 2011.

The NDRC says it has uncovered evidence of price-fixing by a number of leading auto brands in China, including foreign automakers such as BMW and Chinese brands such as Geely.

A dozen Japanese auto parts suppliers were hit with fines of over 200 million U.S. dollars earlier this week.