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The tax number would be the same as the number on the Chinese ID card, and similar to the social security numbers issued in other countries.

Currently, Chinese citizens pay taxes through their employers. Individual citizens don't have to declare their sources of income.

Liu Jianwen is a professor of law at Peking University. He says linking taxes with the permanent ID number will be easier to manage for the authorities and can help to create a national credit collection system.

The taxpayer identification number system aims to help establish the social credit system. It benefits all Chinese people, and it is a result of a pressing need. As we are in the time of Big Data, using the internet to manage information is a must. Also, the ID number is indispensable in pursuing fairness and justice in the construction of the legal system. It would be tricky without the system"


The idea of using the ID card number in the tax system was first brought up in 2005, but was never promoted nationwide to all Chinese citizens.

Du Liqun is the deputy of the Credit Research Center at Peking University. She says the ID number should be linked not only with the tax system but also with other aspects like credit history, social security, etc.

"So far the banks have done well in information acquisition, but they also should share info with other organs like taxation, quality inspection, the commerce department, and customs to improve the credit system on a larger scale in all aspects."

All Chinese citizens need a tax ID when signing work contracts, paying insurance, and buying properties.

The new system will also better help authorities to track individuals' sources of income and personal assets.

For CRI, I'm Min Rui