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After several months of officially sitting on the fence, Hillary Clinton has finally made it public.

"I'm running for President. Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion."

Her first campaign ad is targeting the middle class and the economy.

Polling suggests Hillary Clinton stands as the overwhelming favorite to replace Barack Obama.


She holds a significant lead over all her potential rivals.

The Republican bench so-far includes Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

Rand Paul's latest campaign ad has taken aim at Clinton, calling her part of the broken Washington machine.

"Hillary Clinton represents the worst of the Washington machine. The arrogance of power, corruption and coverup, conflicts of interest and failed leadership with tragic consequences."
Clinton does come with some baggage.

She's consistently being dogged by her role as Secretary of State during the 2012 Benghazi attack.

Large foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation have also become an issue, as is her use of a non-State Department email account.

Clinton is set to begin her campaigning in Iowa.

Xiaohong, CRI, Washington DC.