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Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei has reiterated that Japan should deal with historical issues with a sense of responsibility.

Hong Lei made the remarks on Thursday at a regular press conference in response to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's speech to the US Congress.

"The Chinese side has always urged the Japanese government and Japanese leaders to deal with historical issues with a sense of responsibility and to stay true to its statements and commitments about reflecting upon its history of aggression. Only by doing this can Japan convince the international community and build friendly relationships with its Asian neighbors."

South Korea has also expressed strong regret over Abe's speech to US lawmakers.

Foreign Ministry spokesman, Noh Kwang-il, said the speech lacked a sincere apology.


The spokesman noted that the speech was a missed opportunity for Japan to apologize for past wrongdoings.

"As Japan has made clear during the speech at the US Congress, it is important to gain trust and build harmonious relationships with the international community by admitting the past and reflecting on their previous wrongdoing, in order to contribute to world peace. However, Japan's conduct is inconsistent in that it is moving in the opposite direction."

North Korea also criticized Abe for failing to apologize for Japan's wartime sex slavery and urged him to stop covering up Japan's "past wrongdoings".

It's the first time a Japanese leader has addressed a joint meeting of the US Congress.

In his speech, Abe offered condolences for Americans killed during World War II, but stopped short of apologizing for wartime atrocities.

He also suggested that he would not use the phrases "heartfelt apology", or "colonial rule and aggression" in his forthcoming statement in August to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.