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From Portsmouth, N.H., to Nashville, Tenn., social media rejoiced over the first snowfall of the season this weekend.


The unusually early storm dumped snow on parts of the South that rarely see such wintry weather this time of year. Sid King, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service, told The Associated Press: "It’s very, very abnormal and rare that we would get totals like that this time of year." King added, "I would not be surprised if we broke a lot of records."

异常早到的暴风雪给南方部分地区带来了降雪,每年的这个时候少有这样的寒冷天气。国家气象局的气象学家Sid King告诉美联社:“每年的此时出现这样的天气,这是非常非常不正常的。”他补充说:“如果我们打破了许多项记录,我丝毫也不会感到惊讶。”

The AP reported that more than 300,000 homes and businesses were still without power Saturday afternoon in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Temperatures stayed low throughout the weekend in much of the Southeastern United States, raising the risk of icy roads and dangerous driving conditions.


In other places, the snowfall was less dramatic. NPR’s Rob Byers tweeted a video of a snowplow, diligently plowing a snow-free street in Washington, D.C.


But even a light snow can make for a pretty picture.


At the National Zoo, some of the animals enjoyed the snow while others were brought indoors. A video posted on the zoo’s Twitter showed panda Mei Xiang rolling in the flurries.
