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She said yes. Gillian Chung is now engaged to Taiwanese doctor Michael Lai after a whirlwind romance.


The 37-year-old pop star shared the good news on social media on Thursday (Feb 1), and showed off her engagement ring with the caption "Next stop, happiness."


Chung’s 32-year-old fiance has been dubbed ’Sunny Wang of the medical world’ for his striking resemblance to the Taiwanese actor.

阿娇32岁的男友因长相酷似台湾演员而被称为“医学界的王阳明(Sunny Wang)”

A trained gynecologist, Lai now works at a beauty clinic Beaute J’adore in Taiwan.

作为一名训练有素的妇科医生,赖弘国目前在台湾一家名为Beaute J’adore的美容诊所工作。

He told Apple Daily Hong Kong that he will work hard and bring Chung happiness.


Following the announcement, Charlene Choi - Chung’s longtime bandmate from Cantopop duo Twins - quickly took to Instagram to give the couple her blessings.


The couple first met when the actress was filming a new drama in Taiwan in July last year. Chung openly admitted that the pair were dating in October.


She said at the time: "Although we haven’t been together for a long time, but he cares for me a lot and makes me feel very loved. Even though he flies a lot for work, he makes time for us to get to know each other better. I hope this relationship will have a happy ending."


With his good looks and promising career, Lai appears to be great husband material.


But this remains to be seen as he has been dogged by cheating rumors since he parted ways with first wife Ivy Chao after a six-month marriage. Chung was previously romantically linked with Edison Chen and Shawn Yue.

但这也让大家想起赖曾经结婚六个月后出轨妻子Ivy Chao的八卦。而阿娇之前也与陈冠希(Edison Chen)和余文乐( Shawn Yue)谈过恋爱。