栏目广告位一 |
Chinese basketball chief Yao Ming and table tennis all-time great Liu Guoliang are among over a hundred sports celebrities set to feature in the inaugural Chinese New Year Sports G
英语听力材料2018-02-01 -
震惊!印度8个月大女婴遭到强暴 这种案件却并不罕见
An eight-month-old baby girl has been raped, allegedly by her cousin, in the Indian capital Delhi.一名八个月大的女婴据称被她的堂弟在印度首都德里强奸。Police say she is in a critica
英语听力材料2018-02-01 -
Sweaters with messages have won many Chinese youths’ hearts in recent days, as the clothes are expected to free them from family members’ nagging in the seven-day traditional Chi
英语听力材料2018-02-01 -
异性真的相吸吗? 听听吸引法则是怎么说的
The old romantic adage is a cute one, but according to recent studies, opposites don’t necessarily attract.过去的浪漫格言的确聪明动人,但根据最近的研究表明,异性不一定相吸引。Rese
英语听力材料2018-02-01 -
You can’t build a strong professional network if you don’t open up to your colleagues; but doing so is tricky, because revealing the wrong things can have a devastating effect on
英语听力材料2018-02-01 -
英国首相飞抵武汉开启访华之旅 首站前往武大
British Prime Minister Theresa May arrived in Wuhan, central China’s Hubei Province on Wednesday, starting a three-day official visit to the country at the invitation of Chinese P
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
Another year, another dreary, partisan State of the Union address, not to mention hundreds of "previews" and after-the-fact analyses parsing the president’s every word. You can
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
It amazes me when people proclaim that they are bored. Actually, it amazes me that I am ever bored, or that any of us are. With so much to occupy us these days, boredom should be a
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
“WHERE words fail, music speaks.” Though these words, from the pen of Hans Christian Andersen, are an appealing notion, the idea that there might be universals in music which tra
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
NEW DELHI - I remember so well the first time I visited New York. I was 13, and though I had been to America once before, New York had deliberately been kept from me. The name alon
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
I was taught grammar by a nun who cracked small jokes throughout her lessons. I study for my exams by creating double entendres with vocabulary I need to know. I’ve always loved w
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
Set your alarm clocks, sky watchers: There’s a total lunar eclipse coming in the wee hours of Wednesday morning and you don’t want to miss it.天文爱好者们,设置好你们的闹钟吧:周
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
Local lawmakers are urging stricter management of the city’s express and food delivery services to ensure public security as well as deliverymen’s safety and rights, according to
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
The desire among parents in India to have sons instead of daughters has created 21 million "unwanted" girls, a government report estimates.印度政府报告预测,印度父母受重男轻女思潮
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
In 1976, a Ph.D. candidate at Claremont Graduate University placed a rather unusual personal ad in newspapers throughout Los Angeles: “Are you a rapist? Research anonymously by ph
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
Internet conglomerate Tencent Holdings Ltd is buying a stake in Skydance Media LLC, the Hollywood production company behind Terminator, as it expands its entertainment portfolio to
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
The relationship between inflation and unemployment was first studied by Irving Fisher in 1926.1926年,通胀与失业之间的关系在欧文·费雪(Irving Fisher)那里得到了第一次研究。But the
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
Two men and two women have spent 200 days in a simulated space lab in Beijing, setting a record for the longest stay in a self-contained “cabin.”两男两女四名志愿者在试验舱生活了2
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
Modern people are paying more attention to exercise and many celebrities are leading the trend, while in ancient China there were also many fitness lovers. Let’s take a look at so
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
I taught my first class at Columbia University’s M.F.A. program this month, and even though I’ve been teaching college writing since 1993, I initially felt a little intimidated b
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
The German government has denounced experiments funded by German carmakers in which humans and monkeys reportedly inhaled diesel exhaust fumes.德国政府谴责德国汽车制造商资助的一项实
英语听力材料2018-01-31 -
Are you happy?你幸福吗?It’s a question we might ask ourselves here and there when something great (or awful) happens to us. But think about it in a general sense: When was the la
英语听力材料2018-01-30 -
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and Bar-Ilan University in Israel have discovered an inconvenient truth about our female family members.美国加州大学伯克利分校
英语听力材料2018-01-30 -
Members of President Trump’s team have voiced their disapproval of a Grammy Awards sketch featuring a cameo by Hillary Clinton.特朗普总统的团队成员对希拉里·克林顿主演的格莱美奖视
英语听力材料2018-01-30 -
The first volume of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s book on governance has been republished by the Foreign Languages Press.中国国家主席习近平关于治理的书的第一卷已经被外文出版社重新
栏目广告位二 |