Now we are traveling to France where there is an invasion of bed bugs.
The French government, trying to get the bedbug boom in Paris, under control.
People are completely freaked out finding themselves in a tempestuous situation.
Usually undercover, these bugs are being found on public transport systems, in movie theaters, at the airport.
And with Paris hosting the 2024 Olympics in 297 days, city officials are on a mission to get this infestation under control before they welcome people from around the world.
More now from our Melissa Bell in Paris.
But I have to warn you, if you get queasy kind of easily, you might not want to see these videos you're about to see.
A nasty commute and not just for the passengers you can see.
French officials say that bed bugs have infested Paris' transport networks and the wider city.
The race is now on to exterminate the bugs with less than a year to go until the Olympics.
From metros to high-speed trains, videos have shown them taking over some cinemas and even Charles de Gaulle airport, which is making for an itchy situation as France prepares to host the rest of the world next summer.
French officials were preparing to take measures to contain the scourge with transport operators gathering this week to try to find ways of getting rid of the pests.
But that's not enough for some who say the thought of sitting on a bus or a train next to the uninvited seatmates makes their skin crawl.
That really traumatized me. I'll keep my luggage closed to prevent them from getting to my home.
Also, I'm not from here, so once I get home, I'll have to wash all my clothes.
Paris Deputy Mayor Emmanuel Gregoire says that no one is safe from the problem because the bugs can be picked up anywhere.
A recent government report estimated that about 1 in 10 French households had had bed bug infestations between 2017 and last year.
There's some fumigation companies say business is higher than usual and more urgent.
We've had customers calling us up crying, desperate for a solution.
And it's very, very costly when you have to throw away all of your bedding, when you have to undergo works in your apartment. And so you get into a sort of paranoia.
And whilst bed bugs may be a growing nuisance in Paris, health experts say that they're not considered dangerous, causing merely itching and rashes, and their numbers are increasing not just in the French capital, but around the world.
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