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CNN News:飓风"德尔塔"来袭 恐造成灾难性破坏
Hurricane Delta headlines today's show. That's not a name that's in the regular rotation. We'll explain why in a moment. But first, the storm. It's powerful and
美语听力2020-11-09CNN News:世卫称全球10%人口或已感染新冠
The threat of coronavirus continues to lurk around the world. On Monday, the World Health Organization said the disease might have infected 10 percent of the global population.
ItCNN News:特朗普确诊感染新冠病毒 入院治疗
As we produced this show, U.S. President Donald Trump was in the hospital fighting coronavirus. News broke on Thursday night that the American leader had tested positive for the di
美语听力2020-11-04CNN News:美国首次申请失业金人数下降 但裁员潮仍在继续
Good news, bad news for the U.S. economy. First the good. The Labor Department says initial jobless claims have dropped. This is the number of Americans who are asking the governme
美语听力2020-11-04CNN News:俄罗斯与北约在黑海较量
Today we're exploring international tensions with Russia on the other side of the North Hemisphere in the Black Sea.
This eastern European body of water is strategically imporCNN News:美国加州山火持续肆虐 电力公司切断供电
Well, Cleveland and much of the U.S. are feeling cooler weather this week. The forecast for the American west is hot, dry and windy. And that's bad news for a region struggling
美语听力2020-11-02CNN News:美国总统大选辩论更换场地 观众锐减
On Tuesday night at 9:00 PM Eastern, incumbent Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee Joe Biden will meet face to face for the first time on the
美语听力2020-10-30CNN News:特朗普提名巴雷特出任最高法院大法官
We're starting with U.S. President Donald Trump's pick for the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. The nominee whom the president announced Saturday is Amy Coney B
美语听力2020-10-29CNN News:CDC称上万名商业航班旅客恐已暴露在病毒之下
What is the oldest airline in the world? Qantas, Aeroflot, KLM or Delta? KLM Royal Dutch Airlines was founded in 1919, making it the world's oldest airline.
Since the start ofCNN News:美国总统大选首场辩论主题公布 特朗普拜登将正面交锋
Next Tuesday, incumbent Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will meet face to face on the stage. It's the first of three scheduled d
美语听力2020-10-27CNN News:2020年飓风季热带风暴名称用完后 科学家启用希腊字母来命名
What happens when meteorologists run out of storm names in a hurricane season? Do they recycle old names, use the Greek alphabet, use the NATO alphabet or start next year's lis
美语听力2020-10-23CNN News:联邦调查局警告民众小心大选假消息
First story today is about a warning from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It's telling Americans to be on guard against disinformation in the upcoming presidential electio
美语听力2020-10-23CNN News:秋分时刻 全球各地昼夜平分
What occurs when the sun crosses Earth's equator? Solar eclipse, Equinox, Daylight Saving Time, or Solstice? When this happens, day and night are the same length and an equinox
美语听力2020-10-23CNN News:第75届联合国大会在疫情中开幕
CARL AZUZ; CNN 10 ANCHOR: 2020 has been a year of firsts, not all of them good. But in keeping with that tradition, we're starting today's show with a first of the United N
美语听力2020-10-22CNN News:第二波疫情席卷欧洲 美疾控中心再度修改疫情防范指南
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi, I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10, your down-the-middle explanation of world events. I wish I could start off this show by saying coronavirus was finally g
美语听力2020-10-19CNN News:美国最高法院大法官金斯伯格去世 享年87岁
Outside the U.S. Supreme Court, memorials appeared over the weekend. They were in remembrance of Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who passed away last Friday at the age of 87.
美语听力2020-10-16CNN News:9月16日以色列与阿联酋和巴林在白宫签署关系正常化协议
First story today, an international agreement that the White House says will mark the dawn of a new Middle East. The leader of Israel and the foreign ministers of Bahrain and the U
美语听力2020-10-15CNN News:飓风萨莉登陆美国 造成50多万户断电
First, we're getting you up to speed with Hurricane Sally, which finally made landfall on Wednesday. While it was in the Gulf, the storm had strengthened then weakened then str
美语听力2020-10-14CNN News:飓风萨莉缓慢移动 将带来更多降雨
Hurricane Sally did not make landfall on Tuesday morning as forecasters initially thought it would and the reason could make the storms effects worse in some ways. As it approached
美语听力2020-10-12CNN News:风暴萨莉即将来袭 路易斯安那州紧急疏散
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Another storm, another state of emergency in Louisiana. Hi everyone. I'm Carl Azuz. We're grateful to have you watching this Tuesday. For the seco
美语听力2020-10-10CNN News:美国西部12个州山火肆虐 加州火情最为严峻
And to start things off on CNN 10, we're heading out West where large wildfires have been reported in 12 states.
From Alaska to California, to New Mexico to Montana and everyCNN News:为防疫情扩散 洛杉矶禁止万圣夜"不给糖就捣蛋"活动
In Los Angeles County, California people can add Halloween to the list of events affected by coronavirus concerns.
The county of more than 10 million people has banned trick-or-trCNN News:NASA将40只转基因老鼠送上太空
Which of these cartoon characters first appeared in a short called the Mouse of Tomorrow in 1942? Mickey Mouse, Mighty Mouse, Jerry or Fievel? Originally known as "Super Mouse", th
美语听力2020-10-08CNN News:美国超一半的年轻人与父母同住
More than half of all the young adults in America are now living with their parents. This is according to a new report by the Pew Research Center, an organization that looks at dem
美语听力2020-10-08CNN News:美国或在秋冬季遭遇流感和新冠"双重"爆发
Today's first story concerns a vaccine and a virus but breaking news, it's not coronavirus, at least not all by itself. We're talking about influenza. Flu season in the
栏目广告位二 |