栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:美国国会确认拜登胜选 特朗普承诺有序过渡
After a tumultuous day at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, lawmakers continued to process of counting the Electoral College votes from the November 3rd presidential election.
MIKE PCNN News:美国民主党赢得佐治亚州参议员决选 将夺回参议院控制权
The other we're covering today concerns U.S. Senate results from the state of Georgia. It looks like Democrats have won both of the Senate races there. On Tuesday night, as res
美语听力2021-01-15CNN News:支持者暴力冲击美国会大厦 特朗普仍然质疑选举结果
Trouble at the U.S. Capitol leads off today's show. Yesterday, lawmakers from the House of Representatives and the Senate met to formally count the Electoral College votes from
美语听力2021-01-13CNN News:伊朗提高铀浓缩纯度 美伊关系持续紧张
Right now, though, geo-political tensions involving the Middle Eastern nation of Iran are simmering.
In December of 2019, militias supported by Iran made a number of attacks on AmCNN News:冠状病毒新变种威胁东京奥运会
Where would you find the most populated city in the world? Japan, Brazil, India or China. Greater Tokyo, the capital of Japan has a population of about 38 million people.
Friday,CNN News:100余名共和党人谋划推翻美国大选
Another date coming up on the U.S. political calendar is January 6th. That's when Congress is set to count Electoral College votes which American states certified last month. T
美语听力2021-01-11CNN News:争夺参议院控制权的佐治亚州决选拉开帷幕
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: It's January 5th. The election day in one particular U.S. state but it has ramifications for the whole country. So that's where we start today'
美语听力2021-01-08CNN News:特朗普签署经济刺激法案 英美接种新冠疫苗出现副作用
Our mission is to bring you down the middle explanations of events taking place worldwide. And one of them taking place right now in the United States is the arrival of new stimulu
美语听力2021-01-07CNN News:拜登赢得选举人团投票 特朗普仍不承认败选
Across the United States votes were cast yesterday in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. But Carl, you might be asking. Didn't that happen on November 3rd?
Yes. But AmericanCNN News:美国开始接种辉瑞新冠疫苗 FDA建议过敏者不要接种
Less than 11 months after the first coronavirus diagnosis was made in America, shipping has begun for the nation's first coronavirus vaccine.
The approval was given by the U.SCNN News:Facebook在美遭遇两起大规模反垄断诉讼 面临被拆分风险
Facebook is facing two lawsuits. One is from the U.S. Federal government. The other is from 46 U.S. states. Both suits accuse the social media company of trying to keep competition
美语听力2021-01-05CNN News:英国成首个接种新冠疫苗的西方国家 疫情下美国11万家餐厅倒闭
This week the United Kingdom became the first western country to make a vaccine available to its citizens. It approved the shot made by American pharmaceutical company Pfizer, thou
美语听力2021-01-04CNN News:美国东北部遭遇风暴致供电中断
December 7th is also exactly two weeks away from the official start of winter in the Northern Hemisphere but don't tell that to the folks in the U.S. northeast because they'
美语听力2020-12-30CNN News:澳大利亚再起山火 世界最大沙岛火势失控
As parts of the United States saw near record cold this week, parts of Australia have been sweltering under record breaking heat. And that's a concern as the nation's bush
美语听力2020-12-30CNN News:顶尖核科学家遭暗杀 伊朗誓要报复
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: An international controversy has flared up in the Middle East and that's where we start today's edition of CNN 10. Hello everyone, I'm Carl Az
美语听力2020-12-30CNN News:美国感恩节假期出行人数创新高 5000万人因疫情吃不饱
And it starts with an overview of what we know about the holiday season so far with Thanksgiving behind us and Hanukkah and Christmas on the way.
Sunday was expected to be the busCNN News:受新冠肺炎疫情影响 沃尔玛30年来首次感恩节停业
Quote: We know this has been a trying year. That's not just us talking. It's part of the statement by the CEO of Walmart and the reason behind it is part of our first story
美语听力2020-12-25CNN News:四级飓风"约塔"重创中美洲 波音737MAX在美获准复飞
We start in Central America where people are trying to recover from Hurricane Iota. It struck Nicaragua Caribbean coast as a Category 4 storm this week about two weeks after the Ca
美语听力2020-12-24CNN News:美国计划从阿富汗和伊拉克撤军
The United States military announced on Tuesday that thousands of American troops are coming home from Afghanistan and Iraq.
The American military has been involved in AfghanistanCNN News:民调显示45%的美国人不会接种新冠疫苗
We told you earlier this week how Pfizer, an American pharmaceutical company, says it's seen some promising early results from a coronavirus vaccine it's working on. It'
美语听力2020-12-22CNN News:中国载人深潜创下新纪录
Which of these geographic features is about 1,580 miles long? Great Barrier Reef, Mariana Trench, Grand Canyon or Mississippi River? It's the Mariana Trench, the deepest point
美语听力2020-12-22CNN News:美国食药局紧急批准礼来公司新冠抗体疗法
The fight against coronavirus continues as the disease itself continues to spread. The COVID Tracking Project, an organization that gathers data from across the United States, says
美语听力2020-12-18CNN News:2020年风暴数量创新高 美司法部长授权调查选举舞弊
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: If there was ever going to be a year to break an Atlantic storm record set in 2005, many folks won't be surprised that that year would be 2020. I'
美语听力2020-12-17CNN News:美国辉瑞公司称其新冠疫苗有效性超过90%
Our show starts with news from the pharmaceutical industry. The drug company Pfizer says it's moved a big step closer to a breakthrough in the fight against coronavirus. Pfizer
美语听力2020-12-16CNN News:拜登和哈里斯发表胜选演说
Officials in several states continue to count votes from last week's U.S. presidential election.
But on Saturday morning as more results came in from Pennsylvania, media organ
栏目广告位二 |