栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:加拿大阿尔伯塔省上空出现明亮流星
This week there were more than 400 reports of fire in the sky. They were mostly concentrated in and around Alberta, Canada though the meteor was also visible in other parts of that
美语听力2021-03-24CNN News:拜登政府称愿意与伊朗就伊核协议讨论
International tensions over an international nuclear deal are our first subject today. The Middle Eastern country of Iran has a nuclear program that other countries want to stop.
美语听力2021-03-24CNN News:蒙克名作《呐喊》上的题字被证实为本人所写
Which of these artists was born in Norway? Johannes Vermeer, Edvard Munch, Vincent Van Gogh or Henri Matisse. Born in Norway in 1863 was the expressionist painter Edvard Munch.
HiCNN News:Facebook封杀澳媒事件和解
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi, I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10. It looks like a standoff between the Facebook technology company and the nation of Australia is coming to an end. What h
美语听力2021-03-19CNN News:美国新冠感染人数超2800万 死亡病例突破50万
Bad news and good news related to coronavirus cases in America. First the number of deaths in which COVID-19 was cited as a factor has reached 500,000 since last winter. The number
美语听力2021-03-19CNN News:波音777引擎爆炸遭多国停飞
Airlines in several countries have decided to keep certain Boeing passenger planes on the ground.
Boeing is among the largest aerospace companies in the world. One of its models cCNN News:得州电力需求创纪录 NASA"毅力号"传回高清火星图
As of Sunday, there were more than 14 million people in the U.S. state of Texas who still didn't have reliable running water.
Authorities were able to get electricity runningCNN News:美国"毅力号"火星车成功登陆火星
A rover that launched last July 30th was scheduled to arrive on Mars yesterday and scientists were hoping that the Perseverance mission would help them figure out if life was ever
美语听力2021-03-16CNN News:北极地区出现神秘陨石坑
Where would you find the largest known impact crater on Earth? South Africa, Siberia, Antarctica, or Mexico. South Africa's Vredefort crater is the world's largest known im
美语听力2021-03-15CNN News:寒潮致得州数百万人遭断电挨冻
Major winter storm strikes America hitting states like Texas especially hard. If that sounds familiar, it's because the country is weathering back-to-back winter systems and th
美语听力2021-03-12CNN News:冬季风暴席卷美国 得州遭遇断电
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Along with the temperature, records have fallen across the United States thanks to a winter storms that's scraping across the country. I'm Carl Az
美语听力2021-03-11CNN News:美国参议院未通过弹劾 特朗普再度"脱罪"
We're bringing you up to speed right now on the U.S. Senate's impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump. First, it's over.
On Saturday, the former leader wasCNN News:极地旋涡来袭 美国多地迎严寒天气
Outside Alaska, the coldest temperature ever recorded in the U.S. was where? Mount Washington, New Hampshire, Rogers Pass, Montana, Greenfield, Wisconsin, or Cavalier Airport Stati
美语听力2021-03-08CNN News:印度新法引不满 农民抗议愈演愈烈
First today, there's a standoff taking place in India between the nation's government and the nation's farmers. This country is often called the world's largest dem
美语听力2021-03-08CNN News:拜登政府拟要求国内旅客提供核酸阴性证明
There's a debate taking place over COVID testing for U.S. airline passengers.
We told you late last year how travelers on some international flights are required to take a rapCNN News:网购改变人们的购物方式
Which of these internet browsers was launched first? Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari, or Netscape. In 1994, the Netscape Navigator started helping people with an internet connec
美语听力2021-03-04CNN News:古巴政府宣布重大经济改革 将大幅放宽私营经济
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Changes are coming to the communist nation of Cuba and why that's significant is the first story we're explaining this Wednesday. I'm Carl Azu
美语听力2021-03-03CNN News:早期结果显示疫苗对南非新冠变体效果不佳
New variants or strains of COVID-19 are appearing around the world, as it mutates like other viruses do and one big question being asked is, will existing vaccines protect people a
美语听力2021-03-02CNN News:特朗普第二次弹劾审判开始
In the United States Senate, an impeachment trial is set to begin Tuesday for former U.S. President Donald Trump. Last month, the House of Representatives voted to charge President
美语听力2021-03-01CNN News:新冠疫情影响下 超级碗现场坐满纸片人
Super Bowl XLIX holds the record for what achievement? Highest score, highest viewership, longest game or closest score? With viewership exceeding 114 million people, the Super Bow
美语听力2021-02-26CNN News:拜登发表外交政策演讲 威胁要让俄罗斯付出代价
Starting things off today, a glimpse of U.S. foreign policy as defined by the Biden Administration. A nation's foreign policy is a plan for how it intends to interact with othe
美语听力2021-02-25CNN News:疫情引发美国线上教学和线下教学之争
Which of these U.S. school districts has the largest student enrollment? Miami-Dade County, Florida, Clarke County, Nevada, Broward County, Florida or Houston, Texas. According to
美语听力2021-02-24CNN News:美国迎严寒天气 50个州气温降至冰点
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Time to bundle up ya'll. Artic cold is coming to North America and CNN 10 is explaining that as we get underway this February 4th. I'm Carl Azuz.
美语听力2021-02-23CNN News:美国宇航员太空行走 更换电池并安装摄像机
Which of these astronauts participated in NASA's longest spacewalk? Peggy Whitson, Susan Helms, Scott Kelly or Buzz Aldrin.
Susan Helms joined James Voss in a 2001 Space OdyssCNN News:日本坚称东京奥运会如期举办
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: No matter what, a Japanese official says the Tokyo 2020 Olympics will go on and that's our first story this Wednesday. I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10.
栏目广告位二 |