栏目广告位一 |
It is China's most beloved species, the iconic face of this nation, treasured globally. 它是中国最受喜爱的物种,是这个国家的标志性面孔,被全世界珍视。 Once endangered and near exti
An estimated 70,000 Russian troops have been gathered along their country's western border with Ukraine.据估计,7万名俄罗斯士兵已经集结在俄罗斯与乌克兰的西部边境。 This is a divi
According to geology.com, Russia's Lake Biakal has as much water as the five great lakes combined.据地质网报道,俄罗斯比亚卡尔湖的水量相当于五大湖区的水量总和。Seventy-one percen
There are a lot of mixed signals concerning the U.S. economy. 关于美国经济,有许多喜忧参半的信号。 In its most recent employment report, the Labor Department said 210,000 jobs were c
There is a bug in popular computer software and if hackers are able to take advantage of it, they could use that bug to break into computer systems worldwide. 在流行的计算机软件中
美语听力2021-12-21美国龙卷风袭击多州 肯塔基州受灾最为严重
This event is the worst most devastating, more deadly tornado event in Kentucky's history. 这是肯塔基州历史上最具破坏性,最致命的龙卷风事件。 We will be north of at least 70 live
That's a partial quote from a U.S. Senator who was asked recently if America is a new space race with China. 这是一位美国参议员的部分言论,他最近被问及美国是否正在与中国展开新的
Our show starts in southeastern Asia in an archipelago located between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. 我们的节目从东南亚位于印度洋和太平洋之间的一个群岛开始。This is what happened
What is the eastern most island in the Caribbean Sea?加勒比海最东边的岛屿是什么?The answer to that trivia question is the site of our first report today.这个琐碎问题的答案对应我们今
Last Thursday when we told you about pollution in India, we mentioned it's not the only place in this region with the problem.上周四,我们报道了印度的污染,我们提到印度并不是这个地
What U.S. city is believed to be the source of the retail term Black Friday?美国哪个城市被认为是零售业术语黑色星期五的来源?Chicago, Illinois, Indianapolis, Indiana, New York, New Yo
美语听力2021-12-0212个月超10万! 美国药物过量死亡人数创新高
For the first time ever over a 12-month period, the U.S. recorded more than 100,000 deaths from a drug overdose. 在12个月的时间里,美国有史以来第一次有超过10万人死于药物过量。 That t
美语听力2021-11-29暴风雨袭击美国西北地区 导致数万家庭企业断电
We mentioned yesterday how flooding in part of California had worsen the state's high gasoline prices.我们昨天提到了加利福尼亚州部分地区的洪水如何加剧了该州汽油价格高昂。Across
A long time ago when Friday meant awesome, the two became inseparable. 很久之前,星期五发生了令人震惊的事件,这一天与这件事变得密不可分。These are some of the sights and sounds from Am
At the gates of an event venue in Houston, Texas, flowers and candles have been placed as a memorial for several people who died on Friday night.在德克萨斯州休斯敦的一个活动场地的
Last show of the week takes us to eastern Africa 本周最后一期节目将带我们去东非 where the nation of Ethiopia is being torn apart by civil war and the nations around it are calling
COP 26 is not a police officer. COP 26(第二十六届联合国气候变化大会)不是警察。The COP stands for Comforts of the Parties, a gathering of members of the United Nations COP是Comforts
美语听力2021-11-08苏丹政变后 示威活动持续
Instability in the African nation of Sudan. 非洲国家苏丹政局动荡。Worry in our hearts is how some demonstrators are describing the situation in Sudan's capital. 我们心中担心的
美语听力2021-11-03美国新冠病例稳步下降 未来却令人担忧
重点讲解:1.dominate 占据支配地位The book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists.这本书预期将占据畅销书榜首的位置。2.fluctuate 波动,起伏不定Body temperature can fluctuate if yo
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: First though, family members, politicians, historians and civil rights advocates are paying tribute to Colin Powell, an American military and political le
美语听力2021-10-25卡车司机短缺 成为全球供应链最薄弱的环节
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: First story today, the U.S. government says it's made progress in an effort to relieve some of the shipping problems that have clogged up the internat
美语听力2021-10-20美国石油价格持续上涨 进一步加剧通货膨胀
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Even though they usually start to decrease this time of year, the average price for a gallon of gasoline in the United States hit $3.27 this week.CNN 10新
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: First though, the U.S. government has released its monthly jobs report. It's one measure of how the economy as a whole is doing. The report that just
美语听力2021-10-18美国劳动力短缺 引发港口交通拥堵
This was all triggered more than a year and a half ago by the COVID pandemic and what's remarkable is how in some parts of the world, supply chain conditions have gotten worse
Our first subject today concerns murder hornets.我们今天的第一个主题是杀人黄蜂。Yes, we now have everyone's attention.是的,我们现在吸引了所有人的注意力。Also known as Asian gian
栏目广告位二 |