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AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. What contributes to the most to U.S. Gross Domestic Product? 阿祖兹:10秒琐事。什么对美国国内生产总值的贡献最大?Government spending, Exports, Business investm
Which of these animals was the last to go extinct? Saber-tooth tiger; Wooly mammoth, Megalodon or Eurasian cave lion.
Scientists believe certain wooly mammoths survived until 4,000加那利群岛火山喷发 西班牙机场临时关闭
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi, I'm Carl Azuz. Welcome to the show. It's good to have you watching as we kick off a new week of news coverage.CNN 10 主播卡尔·阿祖兹:嗨,我是卡
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: The United States government has announced new rules when it comes to international airline travel and that's where we start today's show.CNN10新
美语听力2021-10-12美高官在国会作证 撤军惨遭两党批评
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: For the first time since America's troubled withdraw from Afghanistan, top U.S. military officials testified before Congress on Tuesday.CNN10新闻记者
美语听力2021-10-12立法如未通过 美国可能面临“关门”
We're starting in Washington, D.C. where lawmakers are grappling with some major pieces of legislation this week. One of them is funding for the U.S. government. That's exp
美语听力2021-10-12美国加州原油泄漏 卫生部门发出警告
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR:A leak in an oil pipeline has shut down beaches, threatened wildlife and triggered a large cleanup effort. The problem was first reported last Saturday. Off
美语听力2021-10-12CNN News:撒哈拉沙漠在过去100年里扩张10%
Which of these deserts got its name from a word meaning desert? Namib Desert, Chihuahuan Desert, Sahara Desert or Kalahari Desert. In Arabic, the word Sahara means desert.
OutsideCNN News:中俄合作建设国际月球科研站
This week China announced it had teamed up with Russia to build a new space station. Their next steps will be to come up with a design, a way to build it, a way to operate it and t
美语听力2021-04-19CNN News:美国总统拜登签署1.9万亿美元经济刺激计划
It was exactly a year ago today that the World Health Organization, part of the United Nations, declared that the coronavirus outbreak was a pandemic, meaning it had spread worldwi
美语听力2021-04-16CNN News:美墨边境移民激增 在押移民儿童数创纪录
First story this Thursday takes us to the border between the United States and Mexico. Some call the situation there a challenge for the U.S., some call it a crisis.
What it'sCNN News:美国疫苗接种人数已超累计确诊人数
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Different kinds of drugs and treatments are helping in the international fight against coronavirus and that's where we start this Wednesday's show. I'm
美语听力2021-04-13CNN News:众议院投票表决1.9万亿美元经济刺激法案
As we get started on Tuesday's edition of CNN 10, members of the U.S. House of Representatives are preparing for a vote on a $1.9 trillion bill intended to stimulate the U.S. e
美语听力2021-04-13CNN News:教皇弗朗西斯历史性访问伊拉克
Who is the longest serving pope in the history of the Catholic Church?
St. Peter, Pius IX, John Paul II, or Leo XIII?
St. Peter the Apostle, who's regarded by Catholics as thCNN News:美国多州放宽新冠限制措施
We've talked about how there hasn't been a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to dealing with coronavirus cases. Different countries have had different levels of rest
美语听力2021-04-08CNN News:冰岛一周地震17000余次 火山随时可能爆发
The European nation of Iceland is called that because it's home to both volcanoes and glaciers. A nd meteorologists say there are signs that a volcanic eruption is brewing.
SoCNN News:阿根廷发现新品种恐龙忍者巨龙
What region is bordered by the Andes Mountains, the Colorado River and the Atlantic Ocean? Balkan Peninsula, Amazon Basin, Patagonia or Western Plateau. The only option here that&#
美语听力2021-04-06CNN News:美国和欧盟同日宣布制裁俄罗斯
Our first story this March 4th concerns the United States, the European Union and the nation of Russia. The U.S. and the E.U. have announced sanctions, penalties, on people in grou
美语听力2021-04-06CNN News:意大利庞贝古城遗址出土罗马战车 几乎完好无损
The ancient Roman god of fire and metalworking had what name? Juno, Hephaestus, Mars or Vulcan. The fastest was great, the ancient Roman's god of fire was Vulcan.
A lot of theCNN News:卫星图像显示朝鲜在储存核武器设施周围活动
New developments between old rivals highlight today's edition of CNN 10. Those rivals are North Korea and the United States. They fought on opposite sides of the Korean War in
美语听力2021-04-01CNN News:一座纽约城大小的冰山从南极洲冰架上脱落断裂
A Norwegian whaler named Carl A. Larsen became famous for doing what? Designing ice breakers, refining oil into fuel, navigating the Pacific or exploring Antarctica. The Larsen Ice
美语听力2021-04-01CNN News:联合国称缅甸军方使用致命武力致18人死亡
We return to Myanmar today, an Asian country also known as Burma, a military coup took place there a month ago and protests have been welling up ever since.
A Burmese military comCNN News:用无人机保护濒临灭绝的毛伊海豚
What species of dolphin is the smallest? Hector's dolphin, Risso's dolphin, Spinner dolphin or Dusky dolphin. The smallest dolphins are Hector's dolphins. They're u
美语听力2021-03-29CNN News:众议院通过1.9万亿美元经济刺激计划
It was over that weekend that the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Biden Administration's proposed stimulus package for the U.S. economy.
It is not yet law. It must fiCNN News:北京成史上首个举办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市
To date, how many cities have hosted both the summer and winter Olympic games? Five, three, one, or none. No single city has hosted both seasonal Olympics before but Beijing, China
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