栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:美国两党大会因疫情线上举行 正式提名总统候选人
And this is the first time that virtual political conventions are largely replacing physical ones. Conventions are where America's major political parties formally nominate the
美语听力2020-08-19CNN News:美国新冠肺炎死亡人数破10万
It starts with the biggest story of the season, the coronavirus pandemic. It began in China late last year and spread around the world. The disease has been detected in more than 5
美语听力2020-08-18CNN News:疫情之下 各国纷纷恢复体育赛事
Yesterday's show started with weather. Today's show starts with sports. Fans want to see them. Teams want to play them. Venues want to profit from them but health officials
美语听力2020-08-14CNN News:SpaceX首次载人航天任务因天气原因推迟发射
The eastern coast of Florida is soggy. A tropical disturbance has been hovering there for days soaking some areas with between five and 10 inches of rain. On Tuesday more than 7 mi
美语听力2020-08-14CNN News:美国天气转暖 民众不顾疫情涌向海滩
While summer in the northern hemisphere doesn't officially start until June 20th, Memorial Day is seen as the unofficial beginning of the season. And with warmer weather descen
美语听力2020-08-12CNN News:美国国家海洋和大气管理局发布2020年飓风季预报
We are a week and a half away from the official start of the Atlantic hurricane season, though we've already seen an early storm materialize off the U.S. east coast. Arthur bro
美语听力2020-08-11CNN News:美国所有50个州均放松限制措施 学校是否复课因州而异
All 50 U.S. states have relaxed at least some of their restrictions concerning coronavirus. But as the 2019-2020 school year winds down a lot of questions are being raised not only
美语听力2020-08-11CNN News:接触者追踪争议不断 效果明显但存在隐私问题
In the ongoing fight against COVID-19, nations around the world are increasingly turning to technology to track the disease. This isn't just about testing to find out who's
美语听力2020-08-08CNN News:研究表明飞蛾在授粉过程中发挥重要作用
Salt Marsh, Atlas and Indian Meal are all types of what? Vultures, moths, herbs or peat. These are all types of moths, insects that often fly by night.
Those are just three of theCNN News:2020年第一场热带风暴亚瑟形成
Which of these seasons runs from June 1st to November 30th? California wildfire season, Australia bushfire season, Atlantic hurricane season or Plains tornado season. These disaste
美语听力2020-08-06CNN News:美国多州重新开放海滩
And one question on the minds of many Americans as that three day weekend approaches is what's going to be open.
This is how some U.S. beaches looked last year. The mayor of NCNN News:新冠疫情致美国食品价格上涨
We're starting at the grocery store and we're going to need some extra cash. In the month of April, the price of groceries grew 2.6% according to the U.S. Labor Department.
美语听力2020-07-31CNN News:经历2次世界大战与2次核试爆 内华达号战舰残骸被发现
What was the only U.S. battleship to get underway during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941?
USS California, West Virginia, Nevada or Oklahoma?
The USS Nevada was the onCNN News:世卫组织称新冠病毒将长期存在
Two days ago, we took you around the world to show you where different nations are and their responses to coronavirus. We're doing the same thing today but for North America. A
美语听力2020-07-29CNN News:美国48州计划放宽新冠肺炎限制措施
By this time next week, at least 48 U.S. states will have relaxed some of their restrictions concerning coronavirus. There's a lot of debate about this. Many health officials s
美语听力2020-07-28CNN News:各国新冠肺炎疫情最新情况
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Get your passport ready, CNN 10 is traveling around the world today to give you a sense of where different countries are in their responses to coronavirus
美语听力2020-07-28CNN News:美国失业率创下大萧条以来最高纪录
Here's a quick snapshot of where things stand with the pandemic. More than 4 million people worldwide have tested positive for COVID-19. Almost 300,000 had died from the diseas
美语听力2020-07-24CNN News:韩职棒联赛重启 空场方式进行
The Siberian Tiger is the national animal of what country? South Korea, Bangladesh, India or Russia? Though other types of tigers are national symbols in Bangladesh and India, the
美语听力2020-07-24CNN News:经济学家预测美国失业人数达2200万人
The U.S. government's monthly jobs report is due out today. It gives a snapshot of two major factors in the economy — the number of jobs gained or lost from the month before a
美语听力2020-07-23CNN News:时隔9年 NASA联合SpaceX首次从美国本土发射宇航员
And the reason we're making this sound like a flight is because we're about to take flight with a report about a space launch that's scheduled for later this month.
ItCNN News:"宇宙飞船二号"在美国太空港完成首次试飞
What is the oldest state capital in the United States? Richmond, Virginia, Boston, Massachusetts, Sacramento, California, or Santa Fe, New Mexico? Santa Fe was established by the S
美语听力2020-07-21CNN News:意大利疫情严重致百年披萨店首次停业
Italy was once the epicenter of COVID-19 cases in Europe. When we produced this show it'd seen more deaths from the disease than any other country on the continent. And the pli
美语听力2020-07-17CNN News:新冠肺炎疫情下 机器人推销电话数量减少
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: An interesting side effect that the global coronavirus pandemic — robocalls are down. And we're not hearing too many complaints about that. Welcome t
美语听力2020-07-16CNN News:新冠疫情致美国学校全面停课
School buildings have been closed in all 50 American states and five American territories though many schools are still in session online. In at least 45 states plus the District o
美语听力2020-07-16CNN News:亚洲巨型大黄蜂入侵美国 被叮咬或会危及生命
Which of these insects would you find in the family vespidae? Hornet, honey bee, firefly or mantis? Vespidae includes insects like yellow jackets and hornets.
Next up, Asian Giant
栏目广告位二 |