栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:缅甸发生军事政变 军方接管政权
The south Asian country of Myanmar also known as Burma is where we begin today's show. I'm Carl Azuz. We're glad to have you watching. The troubled country is located b
美语听力2021-02-22CNN News:暴风雨侵袭加州中北部
Felix Bernard and Richard B. Smith teamed up in the 1930s' to write what hit song? White Christmas, With A Song In My Heart, White Cliffs of Dover or Winter Wonderland. Bernard
美语听力2021-02-22CNN News:美国要求民众乘公共交通时戴口罩 违者或面临刑事指控
There's a new rule in the United States for people traveling aboard planes, trains and some automobiles.
The Centers for Disease Control will require masks to be worn on publiCNN News:NASA火星车"毅力号"即将登陆火星
Where would you find the tallest mountain in the solar system? Nepal, Mars, the Moon or Titan. Scientsts believe that Olympus Mons, a volcano on Mars is the tallest mountain in the
美语听力2021-02-19CNN News:2020年美国GDP为20.9万亿 同比下降超过3%
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Just how much did the coronavirus pandemic impact the world biggest economy. We're going to tell you. That's what we do on CNN 10. I'm Carl Az
美语听力2021-02-19CNN News:拜登要提高最低时薪到15美元 两党产生严重分歧
The Federal minimum wage is the least amount of money per hour that American businesses must pay their employees. States and communities are allowed to acquire higher minimum wages
美语听力2021-02-18CNN News:科学家寻找最古老犬种
Which of these dog breeds is believed to be the oldest? Afghan Hound, Alaskan Malamute, Border Collie or Chihuahua. Many scientists believe the Afghan Hound originated in Afghanist
美语听力2021-02-18CNN News:致命风暴袭击美国阿拉巴马州并引发龙卷风
Severe weather in the American southeast leads off today's show. As we put this program together, a search and rescue operation was underway in the U.S. state of Alabama.
On MCNN News:新冠肺炎疫情对全球旅游业造成重创
Which of these cruise lines is the only one that's still operating under its original name? Imperial Majesty, Royal Viking, White Star or Cunard. The Cunard line which was foun
美语听力2021-02-08CNN News:美国众议院向参议院正式提交特朗普弹劾案
We're starting with a look at the U.S. Senate's upcoming impeachment trial for former President Donald Trump.
Earlier this month, the House of Representatives voted 232 toCNN News:美国批准"一小步法" 全球首个地外人类遗产保护法
What kind of weather would you most likely observe on the moon? Dust storms, lightening, windstorms or none. Scientists say the moon has no weather, so there's never a rainy da
美语听力2021-02-05CNN News:众议院正式指控特朗普煽动暴动 参议院忙于确认拜登内阁提名
We're start in the U.S. Senate. It's busy. There are several major tasks on Senators to do list. They include President Joe Biden's cabinet nominees, his new Administra
美语听力2021-02-05CNN News:拜登就职首日签署17项行政命令
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Twenty, 46 and first are three numerical terms that factor into today's special edition of CNN. And we'll be explaining all of that in a couple mi
美语听力2021-02-03CNN News:拜登宣誓就职美国第46任总统 特朗普未出席典礼
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: And that's what's happening in Washington D.C. today as the term of the 45th U.S. President ends and the term of the 46th leader begins.
CNN.comCNN News:美国扩大疫苗接种人群 不再保留第二剂疫苗
A CNN medical analyst says the United States might have passed the peak of new coronavirus cases. A few weeks ago, health officials said hospitalizations related to the disease wer
美语听力2021-02-01CNN News:美国部署2.5万名国民警卫队士兵护卫拜登就职典礼
We are one day away from inauguration day in America. The U.S. Constitution set that date as January 20th every four years.
Keeping people safe is always a challenge at these evenCNN News:美国首次申请失业救济人数接近百万
We start today with some not so good news about the U.S. economy. Initial jobless claims are up. What does that mean? Why does it matter? Also known as first time unemployment clai
美语听力2021-01-28CNN News:众议院第二次通过弹劾特朗普决议
We start with new developments from the U.S. House of Representatives.
For the second time, the chamber had voted to impeach President Donald Trump. This does not mean that he hadCNN News:全美50州首府恐发生武装抗议 多家社交媒体封禁特朗普
As the date approaches for the next U.S. president to be inaugurated, the FBI says it's working to identify and stop people who may be planning violence. According to an intern
美语听力2021-01-27CNN News:美国疫苗供应不足 分发陷危机
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control says 9 million people in American have gotten a first shot of coronavirus vaccine. There are two different vaccines that have been approved for
美语听力2021-01-25CNN News:美民主党敦促彭斯援引宪法第25条修正案罢免特朗普
The most recent amendment to the U.S. Constitution deals with what topic? Voting age, presidential succession, lawmaker's pay, or poll taxes. The 27th Amendment which delays Co
美语听力2021-01-22CNN News:病例增加及疫情限制措施加剧美国失业
The world's largest economy is our first topic this Tuesday. The U.S. government recently reported that 140,000 jobs were lost in the month of December.
For perspective, the eCNN News:巴基斯坦全国大规模停电
Which of these countries has the largest population? Pakistan, Nigeria, Brazil or Russia. Though it's far from the largest country on this list, Pakistan has the largest popula
美语听力2021-01-20CNN News:特朗普面临二次弹劾 不参加拜登就职典礼
This week, House Democrats plan to introduce articles of impeachment against President Trump. These are formal charges of wrong doing. As he spoke to hundreds of thousands of suppo
美语听力2021-01-19CNN News:多人因美国国会大厦骚乱事件被捕
There have been some new developments concerning last week's events in Washington, D.C. Several arrests were made over the weekend in connection with Wednesday's riot at th
栏目广告位二 |