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李阳疯狂英语脱口而出MP3实战篇之疯狂准备篇 第四节:四星级.五星级.六星级单词全面奉献



【Kim’s Note】There are some words that just give an instant lift to your English level. The best way to improve your vocabulary is to incorporate challenging words into daily conversation. This way is far more effective than just memorizing lifeless words on a page. We selected the following words just for you because they are not only challenging, but useful.


1. of the highest degree or intensity; greatest possible; at the very beginning or very end
2. of opinions or people who hold them going beyond the usual limits; far from moderate


1. We faced extreme danger when we traveled to the mountains of India.

2. The little town is located in the extreme north of the country.

3. She is now in extreme pain.

4. An extreme illness bothered the poor old man.

5. He showed extreme patience / kindness / gentleness.

6. The extreme penalty of the law in some countries is the death penalty.

7. In order to lose weight, she goes on an extreme diet almost once a month.

8. Judy is crazy about following the extreme fashion in clothes.

9. She is moderate, I am extreme.

10. His political ideas are too extreme for me.

11. He is a supporter of the extreme right / left.