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李阳疯狂英语脱口而出MP3实战篇之疯狂买弄篇 第三节:神奇的中文成语


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【Kim’s Note】 This idiom was also a title of an Oscar winning movie. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was an international hit! This exciting movie not only won several awards, it also inspired the United States to learn more about Chinese culture. The stars from this movie are now world-wide celebrities!

藏龙卧虎 (cang long wo hu):比喻潜藏着各种人才。
Where Dragons Hide And Tigers Crouch

This Chinese idiom describes a place where one finds all sorts of talents.

A: I hear that many Hong Kong companies recently held a job fair in Guangdong.
B: You know there are a lot of talented people in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It’s really where dragons hide and tigers crouch! The companies in Hong Kong know this secret now.
  (你知道在广州和深圳有好多 人才,真可以说是藏龙卧虎啊!现在香港的那些公司都知道了。)

九死一生 (jiu si yi sheng):形容经历极大的危险,侥幸活下来。
A Narrow Escape From Death

This Chinese idiom is used to describe an extremely precarious situation.

A: I can’t believe that your car was hit by a bus and you don’t have any injuries!
B: I really am lucky. Not many people survive such a narrow escape from death.