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李阳疯狂英语脱口而出MP3实战篇之疯狂准备篇 第八节:成语的挑战


slip one’s mind: escape one’s memory; someone forgets something  使某人一时想不起来;忘记某事
【Kim’s Note】 This is a softer way of saying, “I forgot”. For some reason, people are more accepting of this excuse than they are of simply saying “I forgot.”
* I meant to call you when I got to Beijing but I was so busy it slipped my mind.
* Sometimes his own telephone number would slip his mind.
* My aunt asked me to take care of her dog today while she’s out. But it totally slipped my mind.
* It had slipped my mind that you were arriving today.

(something) come to someone: (something) occur to someone / strike someone  某人想起某事;(思想意识等)到某人脑子里
* Her name finally came to him.
* The idea just came to me.
* I’m trying to remember the address of the hotel, but it just won’t come to me.

go on / run errands: go on a short trip in order to do something for someone or deliver a message  跑腿;为某人办事;出差
* I have a lot of errands to run this morning for my boss.
* It’s the children’s job to run errands for the parents.
* He was tired of running errands for his sister.
in the nick of time: just in time; at the necessary moment  恰好;正是时候
* The fight was getting out of control. It was lucky the police arrived in the nick of time.
* They arrived in the nick of time to save us.
* You got here in the nick of time – the train’s just leaving.
 (你来得真是时候 —— 火车正要开。)

 rule of thumb: a way learned by practical experience; a quick and not very exact way of doing  
 something  单靠经验或实践得来的方法;粗略而简便的方法
* I never measure rice and water when I’m cooking – I just do it by rule of thumb.
* We don’t have a written policy on dating in the office but I’ve learned from rule of thumb that it’s a bad idea.
* As a rule of thumb, you should cook a chicken for 20 minutes for each pound that it weighs.

on the safe side: take a precaution in order to avoid a risk or loss; just to be sure  为了稳妥起见;以防万一;安全地
* Take some extra money with you just to be on the safe side.
* I always carry some medicine with me whenever I’m traveling, just to be on the safe side.
* You’d better make a copy of your Identity Card, just to be on the safe side.
* Although the sun was shining the other day, my father took the umbrella with him to be on the safe side.

clue someone in: give someone necessary infomp3ation for understanding something or finding an answer  向某人提供必要的情况;使他对此情况有所了解
* I just don’t understand what’s going on and I don’t want to just wait around for someone to clue me in!
* I’m a newcomer here. I would really appreciate it if you could clue me in on the library of the school.
* Since I missed the last meeting, I would like to have you clue me in on what happened.
* He will clue you in about this.

kill two birds with one stone: do two things at the same time  一箭双雕;一举两得
* If you are going to America on a business trip next week, you could kill two birds with one stone and
  do your Christmas shopping at the same time.
* I always get my nails manicured while I get my hair cut, that way I can kill two birds with one stone.
A: Since you’re going to pick up Nancy from the fitness class, why don’t you kill two birds with one stone and pick up Jane after her ballet class?
B: OK, no problem.