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大学英语自学教程 上册 un05


[04:09.05]A similar wrong idear is that fish and ice cream
[04:12.32]另一种类似 的错误观点是,
[04:15.58]when eaten at the same meal form a poisonous combination.
[04:22.56]Still another wrong idea about mixing foods
[04:29.11]is that proteins and carbohydrates should never be eaten at the same meal.
[04:36.77]Many people think of'bread, for example,as a carbohydrate food.
[04:43.04]It is chiefly a carbohydrate food, but it also contains proteins.
[04:51.79]In the same way,milk, probably the best single food,
[04:58.06] contains both proteins and carbohydrates.
[05:03.70]It is just as foolish to say that one should never eat meat and potatoes together
[05:11.75]as it is to say that one should never eat bread or drink milk.
[05:18.41]Text B
[05:21.67]Do Animals Think?
[05:25.33]The question has often been asked,Do animals think?
[05:31.39]I believe that some of them think a great deal.
[05:36.54]Many of them are like children in their sports.
[05:41.81]We notice this to be true very often with dogs and cats;
[05:47.56]but it is true with other animals as well.
[05:52.71]Some birds are very lively in their sports;
[05:58.58]and the same is true with some insects.
[06:03.62]The ants,hardworking as they are,have their times for play.
[06:10.89]They run races;they wrestle;and sometimes they have mock fights together.
[06:18.83]Very busy must be their thoughts while engaged in these sports.
[06:25.31]There are many animals, however,
[06:29.98]that never play;their thoughts seem to be of the more sober kind.
[06:37.04]We never see frogs engaged in sport.
[06:42.00]They all the time appear to be very grave.
[06:47.25]The same is true of the owl,
[06:51.92]who always looks as if he were considering some important question.
[06:57.99]Animals think much while building their houses.
[07:03.94]The bird searches for what it can use in building its nest,
[07:10.18]and in doing this it thinks.
[07:14.63]The beavers think as they build their dams and their houses.
[07:21.00]They think in getting their materials,
[07:25.86]and also in arranging them,and in plastering them together with mud.
[07:32.41]Some spiders build houses
[07:36.78]which could scarcely have been made except by some thinking creature.
[07:42.94]As animals think, they learn.Some learn more than others.
[07:49.71]The parrot learns to talk,though in some other respects it is quite stupid.
[07:57.88]The mocking bird learns to imitate a great many different sounds.