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Hi.I met you.I know you did, yes.Hi, well, hi


嗨 终于见到你了 是的 没错 .嗨


So what's its like see yourself on TV you watch,you watch the segment you were on?


在电视上看到自己是什么感觉 你在电视上看过你的那期吗


Oh my gosh, I watch it every day.


天哪 我每天都看

I watch it every day.I cried every single time I see it.


每天都会看 每次看我都会哭


Every single time I do the ugly cry,like the really really ugly cry.But it's so amazing.Yeah.


每次我都会哭得很惨 哭得稀里哗啦 这太棒了 是啊


So could you move your family out that you could give your daughter a better life.


所以你们搬家 是为了给你女儿提供更好的生活


Yeah. So you sold just about everything did you?


是的 你们差不多卖掉了所有的东西吗


Yeah.What did you sell?


是的 你们卖了什么


We sold everything.Everything.


我们卖掉了所有的东西 所有


My car, clothes, furniture. Everything.But it was so worth it.


车 衣服 家具 所有 但是这很值得


'cause we wanna move forward,and we wanna provide a better life for our daughter.


因为我们想向前看 我们想给女儿提供更好的生活


Yeah you are,and I think, here's the thing,


你们做到了 我想说 事情是这样的


I know a little more about you.




We learned that you are eating dinner on a blow up mattress.




Yeah on a mattress.It has a hole in it though.It has a hole in it.


对的 在一张床垫上 不过床垫上有个大洞 有个洞