栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:特朗普结束印度之行 签军售大单回避贸易协议
President Trump is on his way home now from India. He was there for barely 36 hours, but he did manage to visit three cities. He addressed a mega-rally at a cricket stadium, he vis
NPR News2020-03-02NPR News:阿桑奇引渡案在英国开庭审理 律师指特朗普曾想用特赦撇清通俄门
Extradition proceedings for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange start today in London. The U.S. government wants to put him on trial for allegedly conspiring to hack into a Pentagon c
NPR News2020-02-28NPR News:拉丁美洲政坛新现象 武装部队可能卷土重来
We're going to take a wide-lens look now at Latin America after a painful history of military dictatorships. The region is now ruled by civilian presidents. But many of these l
NPR News2020-02-28NPR News:德国哈瑙枪击案致11人死亡 默克尔谴责种族主义是毒药
The German government is investigating last night's deadly shooting as a right-wing terrorist attack. It happened at two hookah bars in a town outside Frankfurt and left 11 dea
NPR News2020-02-26NPR News:亲信斯通获利40个月 特朗普或要特赦
President Trump's longtime ally Roger Stone was sentenced today to three years and four months in prison. Stone was convicted last fall of witness tampering, obstruction and ly
NPR News2020-02-26NPR News:批评特朗普干涉其工作 司法部长巴尔是否辞职成谜
We know that Attorney General William Barr did not appreciate President Trump publicly commenting on the work of the Justice Department.
NPR News2020-02-26
WILLIAMNPR News:阿富汗总统选举最终结果出炉 现任总统加尼胜出
Almost five months ago, Afghanistan held a presidential election. Then there was a fight over the results. And now the Afghan Election Commission says there is a winner, and it is
NPR News2020-02-26NPR News:美国与塔利班达成初步协议 降低暴力活动并缩减驻阿美军
The U.S. has been fighting in Afghanistan for almost two decades, and now the Trump administration says it has reached a deal with the Taliban. It's preliminary, and it's m
NPR News2020-02-24NPR News:苏丹前总统巴希尔将被移交国际刑事法院审判
Sudan appears poised to hand over its former dictator, Omar al-Bashir, to the International Criminal Court. He has eluded authorities since an international arrest warrant was issu
NPR News2020-02-24NPR News:菲律宾终止与美国访问部队协议 杜特尔特要求美军撤离
The government of the Philippines has officially given notice to the United States. It is terminating a two-decades-old visiting forces agreement that allows the U.S. military to o
NPR News2020-02-21NPR News:爱尔兰大选三党鼎立 组建政府困难重重
In Ireland, election results are neck and neck, or maybe we should say neck and neck and neck. Exit polls are showing a three-way tie among the top parties, ending days of two-part
NPR News2020-02-21NPR News:德国政坛大地震 总理默克尔"继任者"宣布辞职并弃选
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's anointed successor is planning to step down as party leader and take herself out of the running to replace Merkel. As NPR's Rob Schmitz re
NPR News2020-02-21NPR News:叙利亚土耳其争夺领土控制权 引发人道主义危机
Around 600,000 civilians have fled their homes in Syria's Idlib province in recent weeks, since Syrian and Turkish forces started fighting for control of the territory. The bat
NPR News2020-02-20NPR News:特朗普会见瓜伊多 美国威胁对马杜罗采取新行动
It's been a heady 24 hours for Juan Guaido, the man leading the bid to topple Venezuela's socialist leader, Nicolas Maduro. Guaido not only had a seat in Congress for Presi
NPR News2020-02-14NPR News:特朗普讲话庆祝弹劾案“无罪”裁决 指责民主党人"恶毒"
President Trump took a victory lap today at the White House, celebrating what he called total acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial. And he slammed Democrats for pursuing impea
NPR News2020-02-14NPR News:特朗普公布中东和平计划 巴勒斯坦切断与美联系
President Trump is praising Israel for taking what he calls a bold step towards peace. Trump announced his peace plan today alongside Israel's prime minister. Missing is any in
NPR News2020-02-13NPR News:英国正式脱离欧盟进入过渡期 经济面临不确定性
Late last night, thousands of people poured into Parliament Square in London to count down to Brexit.
NPR News2020-02-07
UNIDENTIFIED CROWD: Four, three, two, one.NPR News:篮球巨星科比及13岁女儿在坠机事故中遇难身亡
We begin the program today with the shocking news that basketball legend Kobe Bryant has died. He was 41 years old. Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter, one of his four daughters,
NPR News2020-02-06NPR News:哈里梅根不再使用王室头衔 归还纳税人百万装修费
We're going to go to London now, where there's big news from Britain's royal family. After 10 days of controversy and headlines, Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markl
NPR News2020-02-06NPR News:俄罗斯政府全体辞职 普京计划改革宪法
When it comes to the Russian government, there's really only one name that counts. Of course we're talking about President Vladimir Putin. So even though, as of today, Russ
NPR News2020-02-06NPR News:中美签署第一阶段贸易协议
While Pelosi called votes on Capitol Hill today, there was a split-screen celebration taking place at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue. President Trump hosted diplomats and CEO
NPR News2020-02-06NPR News:美国众议院指派7位经理人 特朗普弹劾案审判即将开启
NPR News2020-02-06
UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #1: The House has passed H. Res. 798 (ph), a resolution appointing and authorizing managers for the impeachment trial of DonaNPR News:哈里梅根"闹独立"引发王室危机 震惊整个英国
So there's some big news we're covering out of the U.K. And get this, it is not about Brexit. Even if you're not an avid royal observer, this is pretty fascinating. Meg
NPR News2020-02-01NPR News:伊朗承认误击落乌克兰客机
Ukraine is demanding a full apology and compensation after Iran admitted it mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian airliner shortly after departing Tehran's airport earlier this week
NPR News2020-02-01NPR News:特朗普就伊朗袭击发表讲话 美国准备好拥抱和平
In an address to the nation today, President Trump said no Americans were hurt when Iran launched attacks on military bases in Iraq. The strikes were retaliation for last week'
NPR News2020-01-23
栏目广告位二 |